After i play the game name ''Friend For Sale''!!...Over there..Our owner can name their pets a nick name..So,after he maxing me...I have a new nick name...That is D's LengLui...After that,he had change my nick name many time...Like:D's LengZai,D's Not LengZai,D's Car Key,D's Mama KarKay and the new nick name now i have...D's Taufu Queen :D...The reason tat i got the D's LengZai is bcz got one time we sit mei yee car...Me and may foong dunno who wants to sit in front...So that he say those who sit in front one is LengLui..Then sit behind one is LengZai..Then in the end,may foong choose to sit in front lor...Then got one time,we msn chat...I say why don't u change my name to LengZai ler...Then he really go and change it...(zha Dou=.=''')Then,i msn him say don't want tis kind of funny name...Then,he just straight away change it to Not LengZai!!...And then i ask him for a special nickname...He really give me a special one=.=Car Key...After that,we got sport day...I'm same group with him again^^....But then,our group got one more JiaQi...But she is younger then me...So he call her mini JiaQi,And mama Karkay..==...In the end,my recently nickname is Taufu Queen:D...Becuase he try my dishes-Taufu...so he name tis^^