Who know J come and tell me that you tell him we cannot be more than friend..we only can be friend..Totally broke jorr(my heart)...Need to say until so clear meh?!..Summore tell others=(...Feel like i need to give up..I think i should do like last time i give up "him"!!...Stop talking to him and ignore him..But,i don't want to be like that..It really hurt others..Cause they didn't did any wrong..Why i nedd to do like that?!If,yes..I also need to forgive people..Not like a kids that don't want to talk to him at all!!...So,i think i'll just like before larr..Just that i won't simple find him jorr...Except he come and find me...
I'll try to be independence and not too rely on my friend so much!...It is really hard for me..I'm not that strong what you saw..But,i'll try my best to do it...Cause with GOD everything can be^^...
Thank God that you always by my side=]*big smile*