This year christmas...Me and Qian Qiao need to be babysiter...But then,we still use to wear a nice dress on that day...we arrived Allson Klana by 8:15am...Since the teacher x arrived yet...So,we just sit there and wait...After teacher arrived,we help them to do such things like:care for those kids and take note who else coming already...Do some record and more...So,after we finish...we try to go back to find out kar yee...I saw danny and him coming near here...(i try to ignore him)...But thn he say:''wow,pretty wor...Come take picture"...So we just fai fai take a pic 1st...His hand is holding my 'Jian Pang'...I feel so 'gen geong'....(But thn the pic until now i also never see before lor....==!!...I think may be he deleted already gua...)After tat,kar yee they all have gone!!...So,leave me and Qian Qiao..So,we both go Jusco find them lor...Sad arr...didn't wait for us>.<.....So,after reach jusco....me and Qian Qiao have lunch at secret recipi...

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