20th of Feb 2010...Grace is going back to Australia further his study again...Once again she need to go there for a year...T.T....I'll miss you Grace~~So that,we plan a farewell for her by 31th of Jan...Location at her house...We need to bring some food and the food we bring it should be cook by ourself!!...Then i just ask grace would like to have what food lor...She ask me to cook Taufu..First time to cook this...Of cause my mum with beside me to teach me lar...After finish cooking...I fetch along albee and wan xuan to Grace house...Until 6pm,most of them already arrived...We sing two song to start our farewell(Hari ini,Dalam yesus)...After that,we have some games-acting GG...XD...Finish all the games..We start to have our dinner time^^....Firstly,nobody eat the dish i cook de...But then,The Angle ask me:''kar kay,ngoh sek ni geh dau fu arr?!(kar kay,i eat ur tuafu arr?)''....Then i just say,u want eat just eat lor...No need to ask me de lor...After that he ask also,after eating summore want to say:''wow,kar kay ni geh dau fu hou hou sek arr!!...''I just like Zha Dou~~Hahaha....Actually is so happy...Because he got try what i cook^^.....After finishing dinner,we make a circle to describe one word for Grace...^^....For Grace^^....After that we pray for Grace....Before ''san ben'',Those em gem yun one say want the committee of the No Sweat 2 one...Want them to do what we have do..=p...After they all ''san ben'' jor...Me,jesSie,Albee and Melissa stay at grace house^^...About 1 sumthing...We go sing k till 3 sumthing...Thn we chit-chat till 5 sumthing only sleep...Between us...got very cacat and very geng one!!...The most cacat one is Jessie...she memang cacat lar...Cannot tahan until many times also feel sleep ad..And the most geng one is albee...she msn while chating with us..Summore is the latest sleep one!!...And thn we both also geng liao..Cause we wake up by 8 sumthing to make breakfast...T.T....Damn tired...After that summore movie...Only i rush back to KL...
"KAR KAY~~~~nie gek toufu hou hou sek arrrr >.<~~~~" from:dd
ReplyDeletei still remember tis sentence....
I also rmb^^Won't forget one...