Doesn't mean that normally u don't have to pray or fasting..Praying is the most important things between our christian~~That's is one of the way to speak to our GOD^^
Fasting..Normally if you want to fast also can larr~~Just that is a time for you to more close with GOD~Fasting doesn't mean must fast FOOD~Can fast those like entertainment arr..Like:Computer game,Blogger,Xinyen,MSN,SDO,Ect!!LOL~all is my entertainment actually..XD~Is very hard to fasting ou know..Cause i 'm those people who easily get hungry one>.<...That's why this is the time to rely on GOD^^Ask GOD to give u power to overcome ur Fasting time^^ At last but not least,Say bye bye to my dinner ba~ba~ba~T.T...Take this time to DIET too^^Azarr..azarr~~finghting^^