Monday, June 21, 2010

A exhausted week

Yeah~I was disappear for going to our church camp =]
Monday i went to wanxuan house for stay over night~
Cause her parents going Singapore visit her brother...
she couldn't come to my house..So,i go to her house luuuuu~
We chit-chat till 4am~We on FaceBook~I msn with Jared...
Keep listen to the song they performance on mother day~
Love the song so much~heard the song made by Jared
de worr~
The second day we arrived Malacca~The hotel over there not bad ohh~
I same room with wanxuan~The first night we sleep around 2am~
Wanxuan accidentally wake me up by 5am~She said she heard some voice from the window..
she said the sound like got ppl open and close the window~
Actually is because the wind and heavy rain jek~

The sound scared us>.< Then we went to may foong room sleep~
Till 7am only we wake up...Someone keep complaining us take jorr her bed ==!!! Second service i sit with Jared and harry them =]
I was thinking..Will o
ther think i'm too "fat hao"?...Cause i only sit with guy=="' During the service...Most of us freezing already~
Wanxuan and Jared sharing a jacket =D Pity them xD
They're not enuogh pity then me.. Cause i'm sharing Jul's jacket with Harry =X
I'm sorry XuanXuan=S...I should let you to shared with him geh =P
The Harry wong arhh~Emo cause he didn't get to wake up for his breakfast ohh... Shouldn't emo roommate one okay...Cause is you yourself cannot get up mah~ Please do understand it okay =] We know he tired pu
But, I'm sorry that forget to Da Bao some food for you pun :P
The first day lunch...We going to Mahkota Parade~
They plan to have Burger King... Urrghhh~No gua...Burger again meh!!
So me, may foong and wanxuan went to food court had our lunch..simply but yummy =)
Second night, we sleep 2 sumthing AGAIN!!Actually we move on to the bed by 12 jorr geh..
But,we keep talk talk talk...LOL...
Then 1 sumthing i received phone call from Jul... Guess why he call me?!
He ask maggie cup from me... Zha dou==!!!Midnight a call for room service is it?!!
Somore want me to boil mai water for him..
. Cause i don't have..
So,i take may foong geh to him lorr..Though someone will follow him come geh...Hehe~
Once i ope
n door for him...I saw 4 fellow standing outside...One is Jul...
Another 3 not him,Danny or Jeremy...Is Jared,Leon and Harry~
ghh~We get to talk a while..Cause May Foong not feeling well..
So,they can't stay longer here...Scared will accidentally wake May Foong up...
The next morning...We soon to move..I'm washing my bottle...
And the place i standing there...Can see opposite geh thing(outside)...
Then i saw someone is soon to move too...i start to rush rush rush...xD
Though can take the same lift with he geh.. But,the first lift we use to enter one is full ad...So,we wait for another one...
Xuanxuan...Thanks for ur finger go a
nd press the button arhh~xD
Then we really get to take the same lift leh>.<~
After that blah blah blah~I choose to skip it..Cause,not really special thing happen...
I remember in the last service =] Actually i t
ake some place for few of us geh...
Who know not enough place.. So,i move on to the front lorrr...
Thought to ask Jul sit with me geh!! He just keep talk with me...
And seem like he wanna sit with Lois... Then i saw He look to here..
I was thinking...He won't sit here geh~Cause here super cool...
And he look to here once again...I act like i didn't see anything...
Keep talking to Jul.. Finally he walk to my side..Ask whrther the place is empty... Yea...My mind is empty too!!!!....It is so lucky...xD
Cause don't know how long we didn't get to talk to each other
We didn't talk much...But better than did
n't talk...Wanna know what we talking? Ask me face to face ba~But, for sure you're not interested about it one =P
And yea~Jared not sitting the place...Hahaha....How lucky am i~~~
After that,Krystle plan to have some game after that...
We choose to play "Sherly"...Guess what is the word...
Jul,Dan,Kelvin@Jeremy was so funny xD~
After the game...KDJ went to Dota AGAIN!!...Leav
e Girls...
What to do? Pillow talk lorrrrr~I bring K
rystle and Lois to my room.... WanXuan,May Foong and Swee Yee already back to room jorr geh~
Once we get our sit...I keep asking question on Krystle =P After that my turn =X thought to escape geh....Then i was thinking... Pillow talk should tell right..
And i was consider wanna tell truth or lie to them...
Truth is better ba =) Almost want t
o tell jorr~ WanXuan keep hiding my secret...Then i know what she gonna do...
She ask me not to tell in front of Lois...Not tha
t purposely don't know to tell larr~ Not really close with her ma~So,choose not to tell her luuu~
I start lying that i crush on Da
n..xD...Talk so much about him...
ii..Thank God...He still got many good memory on my mind =P
Seem like i crazy talking things about Dan..Somo said wanna take
pic with him tim...xD
After all,we send them back
to their room...After sending Lois back~
I tell the truth to Krystle..And i was too Big mouth already!!!!!
Tell mai that thing also...I think She won't mind geh~
Me and WanXuan just have soup for dinner...So,we getting hungry already... Thank God that we walked for so long to buy geh 3 maggie cup!!!
2 people finish 3 Maggie cup...One is huge one geh tim =0
The next day,No one could get up from the bed...
Even May Foong and Swee Yee...LOL~ We're almost
late for breakfast already... After finish our breakfast...we just get back to our room..
These is ou
r Church Camp....A bit boring...
But,i enjoy the time when we laying down on the chair..
And look upon the sky...There is so beautiful...When it was night larr~
Seem like all your trouble...No more worry and fears =]

Beauty is FOREVER xD