Thank god for ur great creation...I' m the one who so special among them^^
Is it me?!..I'm ah kay right!?...I'm not that kind of people will do that right?!..Why arr?...Why i become like that de arr?!...Why u praise my picture looks pretty..Then i use to take more pretty de photo..When you praise my dishes is nice...Then i use to upgrade my cooking skill..I feel like i become so wired larr....A bit things about you...I can become so sad or so happy...Like before that,we chat on msn...I tell you that i very unlike people praise my picture some more want to say:''wah!!..Ur picture so nice lerr...Look unlike you lerr...''Then i don't happy jor...That is me mah...How come will unlike me lerr...==!!..Then u tell me:''u take a storm,will come out with a storm; u tale a tree,will come out with a tree; u take a lenglui,will come out with a lenglui lar...''After he saying that,really makes me happy for a whole days jor...No..Is whole week jor...Some time chat with him really felt so happy...But,i just think that i had kacau dao him or not...I have ask him before:''Am i kacau you arr?!..Please tel the truth larr...''So,he say:''You din..."Then:"i mean u cannot kacau me,i' m pro lerr....''Haha...I'll never forget that...On that time he anwser me when he doing his assignment...Lolz~~XD...And then,nearest got one time...I find him...So i say:''u busy or free..If busy then never mind larr..''Then he just anwser me:''say''I feel so scared and sad jorr on that time...Coz normally,he will answer soften a bit...And then,after all the thing...The few days i also black face...until my manager ask me:''what happen to you ohh?!..These few day i saw u like ''face black black'' like that de?!..=P...Actually those few day i ''face black black'' is because him + ulcer...bad mood+ cannot talk sorry to my manager...