Before chinese new year....Fong Li gave my sister two free ticket for Sunway Lagoon all park...But we don't have the time to go yet...But, really thank god that..We have one day both of us(me and my sister)get off day on 26th of Feb~~That day is Angel birthday too...But i forget jorr...Cause i have long time didn't went out have fun with family jorr...(sorry T3ngTenG...)So,by 1 sumthing we arrived there~~Coz we only have two free ticket...So,that we buy two more ticket for me and mummy~~So,we just get a 3 park ticket for mummy and me~~But quite sien over inside lorr...I dun like to play game...play water and view wild park and wild show~~The person who take the show is quite funny~~Although very less people ''bang chen''~~After we play enuf in sunway lagoon~~We going to have our Dinner...Cause we have long time din come out jorr...Dunnno wat to eat also...But,i suggest to have shogun sushi buffet~~We never try to eat shogun before~~After we discuss and we felt the price the price is quite okay...They just charge RM69nett...And so much food inside...Thai food,BeiJing Duck,Korea food..And the main food is shushi larr...Quite excited to have shogun 1st time~~LOL~~A bit like ''sma ba lou'' larr..But we get very full when we get back~~Before we go back...We walk in to a sweet house(tang guo wu)to take a look~~But we still have buy some sweet~~Suddenly i get a msg from WanXuan~~She ask me to call her...Then i just call her lorr...She ask me:"ah kay,ni yi ka hai bin dou?!...Angel wan gan ni arr~~"(where are u now?Angel is looking for you)After that she say:"Angel gam yat shang yat arr!!"(Angel birthday today arr!!)Then i was like...Oppsss....Sei lorr....I mostly forget about it jorr...I answer wanxuan:"wo yi ga hai KL wor"So,WanXuan ask me to call angel larr...So,after that i just call to angel to apologize it...Then i faster go and get one gift for her...Dunno she like it or not~~
Describe about angel~~Angel is a gal that rich but she not proud and she is a kind gal~~people ask her for help~If she is free~Sure she been counted inside~Before that i though that she is a gal that dun like to talk about love life one...But actually everything also can share to her~~Love her hand made cheese cake~~And she is a''ren bu ke mao xiang'' de people~~!st time u meet her...You will feel like:"wow~~this gal quite ''jing'' xia lorr.."After we been ''sou''...She wan to berak also will say it out~~Is a funny gal...Love to act,to make people who around her happy~~She is a famous gal among us~~because she is sociable and lovely~~She is a pro in music~~(These is not all i wan to discribe about her...Bcz too much..But who disagree?!!...No, rite?~~She really a good fren to make~~)Love you ANGEL~~
Like i said...I really dun have that patient on game actually...Coz i LAZY~~LOL~~So,the FFS...I have been play for 2 months...But he didn't raise me up to 2B also...I was so bored jorr..Feel like, why i still want to play this game?...He don't cares also...So,once i saw Jojo(Joey)I just ask her to raise me to 2B~~But she say:"dun ask ppl to buy you...If you ask larr...Ppl raise jorr also no surprise lorr..."But then, 21/03/10 that day...i on FFS...Firstly i saw my cash...Wah!!...Why got 2B cash geh!!...First things came to my mind is..My pets all let people buy jorr...Coz before that is just 1B cash mah!!...After i saw my value~~Fu-yoh~~4B wor~~~This really a big surprise to me!!~~And my owner is Jojo^^So happy to have you~~But feel a bit sad too...Cause he dun want me jorr=(...Through msn with Harry only i know something..Harry say..Firstly he don't let me go geh~~But after that dunno why let jorr...So,i just ask Jojo lorr..Jo said she ash him:"i raise kar kay arr?"Then he answer jo:"No, U raise frank"Then jo ask again..Then he no answer anymore=(...But then...At least he got say NO at first...Stay with Jo is more comfortable with him geh!..At least...No need to follow rules~~And i can get back my LengZai pet jorr~~But dunno why i'll feel a bit sad to see owner de pic not him at all jorr...(sorry Jo)A big Thanks to my Jojo~~Muacksxx~~~Love you Jojo~~
I know that no one is perfect larr....But at least people will have things he/she can do it well~~But why i just feel like i only got destroy...Didn't help any one up also =( ......Unlike me myself...Feel that i' m so useless...Like we play game..Those who same group with me before..Sure ''yim hei''(Cantonese) me one....Coz i always make the group lose or...When we face some station game..That i can't do one...I sure cry one =( .....Where is my talent?!...Where is my goodness?...Why i only found my badness out only...Not that i think positive larr... I really beh tahan myself... No patient..No Love...Summore hai yao xiao qi tim...Sei lorrr...God faster come and change my bad attitude larr...
JenJen(TiJEn)~~LOL~~Naton bring him to our youth~~After that he received Jesus in his life~~In the beginning, i doesn't like him so..And doesn't treat him well as my friend...I didn't know him well too..I did a wrong things..I didn't know him well,why i still unlike him?..I' m so bad..Actually i saw him just wanna talk to LengLui..So,i felt like:"Okay larr...Never mind..I don't mind too..."Okay larr...I admit..I' m so jealous others girl~~Cause they so beautiful..Then i' m....FAT...Argghhh~~~Then i always ''ding '' What he say...(sorry, ah Jen...May be before this i'll been hurt you!..Please forgive..)Started to know him and treat him as my friend..Before he going back to Johor =(...That moment i felt too late ad..After that i tell him about my secret...So,he help me some also..LOL~~We use msn to know each more...And so glad that he can attend our Senior Camp...Hear he saying that he couldn't go to church at Johor there...Felt that he is so cham=( How good we can attend church and some of our family is christian too...We have pray for him...Hope god's heard our prayer and work his miracle too...Is so great to have a friend like him...Sociable, Lovely...Talkative XD...And Gentlemen~~It is so important for the generation now..Because for those who is gentlemen one..Seem like all die jor..LOL~~No,lar...Got also..Less lorr..JenJen..Gambatik~~God always hear our prayer....And God loves you~~We'll put u on our prayers always~~^^