After that i received one more bad new=(
My mood so fast to get down jorr..Hope someone can cheer me up geh..So,i ask him for one joke~Too bad..He don't have the mood to tell jokes to me pun...Then he tell me:"I don't want you to rely on me to make you happy..I'll not always be here.."U know when i read this my heart really get hurt=( He said:"Kar Kay u ma rely on your friends,But don't rely on me.I'm not who you think i am.I only hurt people.."I tell him:"yaa..You hurt me now..."
After that i ask him..Have you ever been..cannot going back to ur house..Then he said:"nop..If no place to stay..U can stay my house..U can stay with my sister.."Awww~~~so sweet^^haha..But,that is what the problem i face to larr...He ask me to submit the problem to God..Thank you my fren~~remind me to rely on God...not people~~ Recently he said sumthing really hurt me...But,just that he remind me not expect too much from him...Our level only can be friend..I think so...He said:"i just want to care ask a friend...nothing ore than that...So obviously ask me not to think so much lorr=( ....That time i really really want to tell him that...How about we stop our friendship leh..I cannot just stop to control what he want me to be..Or else he stop to communicate with me..Then can jorr...But,i din say it out larr...Some time,Our topic become serious...
Today he ask me wanna play game mou?..I say okay lorr..So,we play scissors,paper,stone~~So,he said:"the lose one..will kena truth or dare!"~So,i have kena three times truth or dare larr..He say cannot three times also choose same one..So,i choose two time dare and last time is truth..1st and 2nd time he ask me to say I LOVE YOU HARRY..I felt like..Oh No~~~~~But,i also follow what he ask me to do lorr...Arghhhhhhh!! Then the third time is truth!He let me choose easy,normal or hard?..I think easy one is very simple..So,i choose normal one..He ask me:"is the guy you like someone in JCG?"and :"Does the person know u like him?.In your opinion"So,i answered him,yeap and know gua!!Then when he lose jorr..He straight away choose for the hard question..But,he din tell the full name larr..Jut give one word..Then i know who jorr...After that he lose for second one..I ask him..Any new target now..He say no,he still like her=( ..He say he know he should give up..."Then i said:"is hard to lt go de larr.."(Haiz...summore agree with him pulak..)
Haizzzzzzzzzzz~~~Frenzzzzz cares me please=(
I need you=(
P/S:Dun said WanXuan~~I also"li ti" jorr~~~ahahahaha
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