Well,when we talk about weekends. What will come into your mind first? Movie? Hang out with friends? Go around with family? For me,Saturday is a day to more close to Jesus~I went church every Saturday...I enjoyed it^^I love praise and worship as well kath's teaching!!..So,we also went out for supper every Saturday after our service...Ermm...normally...My Sunday will just hang out with my friends movie~shopping~nothing special other than that..Or else just follow mum to her shop~~That's what i done on my Sunday larr...Ermm...this Sunday quite special^^We(Jojo,Zack and me)visiting Agape for the Easter performance~Their drama quite normal,Dance also...But,their choir super nice lorrr~~~Love those song that sang from them one=]...super duper nice lorr...Get a happy weekend~~Althoug felt so happy larr...But,after that i get super tired aldy!!...Cause we went for supper after that!!...Until 12 sumthing i arrived home...Then i wake up by 5 sumthing!!...Super sleepy lorr...Thought i can come to office to take a nap one geh...Dunno why!.Keep waiting him to on his msn!!...Sot jorr!!..Hehe~always that sot!!...Think back what he ask me larr..On friday that day!!..He suddenly ask me:"ey ask you arr"Then i was thinking larr..Please dun ask..Please!!...Then he said:"heard from people said got ppl in JCG one like me,Do u know who is it?"Then i was thinking whether want to tell him or not!!..But,i felt like better dun tell larr..If later our friendship no more leh!!..So,i answered him:"dunno wor=P"He answered me back:"ish.you also dun want to tell.."On Saturday that day, we went for lunch after youth..Just three of us(jojo,julian and me)...So,i beh tahan jorr...i tell jojo this thing lorr..Sure julian aldy noe it larr...Then julian said is Grace tell one>.<...I was so curious larr..But,after that he said before Grace tell..He tell him first geh!!...That time i was thinking..Oh no...Goshhhh~~~I wanna punch him jorr...He know it..Then why he still wanna ask that leh?!!...Grrrrrrrrrrr......Make me so gan cheong!!...Thank god for everything larr....Thank to Zack too^^If not we can't attend the church jorr~~Have a great time with Jared,Jojo and Zack~~I got update my things to zack..And he update his one also...LOL~~