What had happen in my life. No matter happy or sad! I would like to share to you~ :)
I hope each of everything i had done, I could glorify your name Jesus.
Hey,you..Yaa..I'm talking to you...LOL~~~You arr..So 8 gua arr...Do you think i'll put this kind of title if i really get a boy friend jorr..LOL~~~Ahahahaha...By the way...April FOOLS~~~
Last time i ask JoJo..Do want me to make a fansign for u?!..She so happy like that,say want!!..LOL~~Thn i take some foto and edit it...Jojo only like the photo..I taken before..And i go and edit one..The first one...Means other not nice..=( ....LOL~~Actually i use to make a fansign for so long jorr..But no one ask from me..Coz i' m Not LengLui...haha...So,i upload all to my FB lorr...I saw he got LIKE...But din see he like my original one ohh..But,at least he got like it larr...I see harry comment on my FFS page...He say he want fansigntoo...But wan a hand me one..I wanna tell him:"to ask LengLui make for u larr..."Will tell him later..If he on msn..LOL~~Coz i dunno hw to make a hand make one..Sure not nice larr...Hope my LOVELY owner will like my Fansgin~~
30th of March...Once i reach office...Sure i on my MSN first...Then start to work my pet as well...LOL~~~Then i mai msn him lorr...Ask him about his birthday yesterday~~He is so funny..He go and count hw many wishes he get...Summore ask me to LIKE his post punlak...Then i mai click LIKE lorr..Then i said:"So happy..No need give u sweet jorr lorr...Then he was like a same kids say:"waah, I want sweet.."LOL~~Zha Dou=.=!!Then i said:"Go and buy urself larr..Like small kids jerr.."He said:"I like sweets mah..Those who give me sweets are sweet people.."LOL~~I reply him said:"Dun think like that,I'll give u arr"After that i promiss to buy lorr...I tell him dun choose..I'll buy 20$ 4 biji one..LOL~~He said wan expensive one...(Ecipse)..He said he can finish one box by one day..So fast..I ask him:"U use to ''tun'' or eat one?..LOL"I ask him:"U scared the sweet will "fat mou" is it?!..LOL~~He said:"No,My mouth when empty,will call my hand to take sweet"Then he said:"u are one of the nine who wish me through msn...ahaha.."I said:"i through u din received it"[Coz u din reply me on that day..](I din said it out larr)After that he said:"ey i get my salary edo,i owe u 1 meal,lose to you."I sure answer him dun want larr..since he is ''tek deng'' lose to me one...He said:"mau, saya mau belanja u makan"I tell him again dun wan with the reason u see just now..Then i scared him said..Want jau sushi larr..He said sushi jau sushi larr..Don't bully my wallet can edi~~LOL~I really dun want he belanja..So,i said no time for u to treat me arr...He say got larr...Sat mah..Ya horr...U go nite service..Go second service larr..Then i remind him this sat no service at all^^He say thn can go out larr...LOL~~So happy~~I suggest to have movie~~He said LOL...u belanja?..I said:"Woh..Y bcm i belanja jor geh..LOL~~He said:"He belanja me makan,I belanja him back movie.."(Like that no call he belanja jorr lorr...But nevermind..Can go out with him jau happy jorr..LOL~)Then i ask him scared to watch scary movie boh?..He said dun scared..But dun like..Then he said:"I dare not to watch with girls, they keep pulling my shirt and put their face on my shoulder.1 time is enuf.."When he said like this..I really want to ask who is that girl....So care about this arr~But dun dare to ask...Later he said:"why i care lerr?"Then i mai cham lorr..Then i tell him my experience while i watch ghost movie~~I said i scared until wanna hold WanXuan's hand..She dun border me..Summore push my hands away..I really scared lerr..Should sit beside QianQiao next time..Coz kar yee didn't cares me too...She close her ears her self..Then i mai learn from her lorr...ahaha..He say i:" noob.."LOL~Then we discuss about the movie things...And suddenly he ask..The ramen at jusco one..Nice arr?..I say nice arr..Want sushi or ramen...(think about it..If i really go sushi..Sure i dun dare to eat so much larr...If eat ramen..One bowl i can full jorr..LOL~)So,i ask him:"who else going arr?"He answer:"so far.I thought of joey,krystle and you...Then i ask him:"hw we gonna go lerr?"Though he will say..Cum i fetch..I think too much jorr..He not that kind..LOL~~He answer me duno only..So bad larr he...No,lar...He really a good guy larr..Between those i know one..LOL~~Coz when i tell my riend..(a guy)I dun like to watch scary movie..He say why not..So good,when the girls so scared..They will hold me..Sei Bian Tai Lou...Like that also can..Unlike those stupid galz and Ham sap guys...LOL~~I won't..I will just hold m own jacket so "set'' only..LOL~~Today he cum and say:"ohayo"to me~So..Lol~~Will automatic find me a bit..May be he is so bored gua..LOL~~hope he is find with his job now larr~~~
Recently i crush on him jorr~~~His name is Jerry Yan...He had been the main character in the taiwan movie name-Meteor Garden...After that he also been acting other movie..But,i don't like it so...Yesterday i only finish the movie-Down with Love~~He act as the main guy character...And Ella be the girl main character...Both of the are so funny in this movie...Love it so...Badly,i crush on him jorr...Cause he is so cute in this movie...His action so cute..When he is jealous on the other that come near to ella one...Before that,I heard that he is a very cool people...He say so..After he act this movie..He felt like he shouldn't too careful those who around him..Should like Ella...Make friend all around..It will so fun...I like Ella attitude...She is the random actress and singer i like the most..She is so funny and lovely...Enjoying in looking at my LEngZai larr...LOL~~
Like i said...My mood recently is so upside down...And my bad mood had started from last sat!!..I fail my undang also...And the whole day i feel like i have gonna through some bad things..And my present is bad!!..Yaa..i should think positive actually...But,i can't do it at all the time..I wish it's nothing happen on that day...That day...My undang had fail no.4th time...U know...after that...my mum keep on saying me:"ask u to read u dun wan..Always last minute..."My heart was thinking....I'm a noob in malay...Okay..I admit i myself is lazy...But,why she must saying like i never hardworking for it before...I felt so no mood ad...I fail my undang..And i forgot to choose song for worship lead later...Before i went to church, pei ru ask me to buy wrapping present paper for her..I buy ad..After i went church only realize that i forget to bring jorr..So,i say sorry to pei ru..She got angry...Then i just and apologize to her..But, on that moment i dunno why..Just feeling wanna cry...And my mind is keep on blaming myself...After crying..I felt regret jorr...I haven cry in front of them before...And i swear to myself..Cannot do it so...After that..They got saying about his things...Actually i felt nothing lar...I cried so suddenly inside melissa's car..Is because...I feel like may be i give trouble to him...See...So much ppl noe i had crush on him jorr...I dun wan make he no face...I feel i so stupid...(recently i watch those movie also duno cry jorr..Dunno why that day will like that...Not all at because of him..)I felt i do anything also fail...Sumtime i was thinking...May be i shouldn't live in this world...(recently i keep on blame myself...no matter what..i also feel that should be my problem...)Okay...I' m not blaming any one who joke with me actually...I' m so sorry that scared u...And on that moment i dunno what am i doing so...I might angry u for a while..But after that,i noe that is not ur problem jorr..Is my problem...I' m emo recently...my mood is so upside down...Sorry about that...To tell u the truth..This is me the real me..I'm the weak one...And the stupid one...Just because all my fren will get away from me..So,i try to stand strong...I also ''ren'' for so long ad...just that day really bad mood...I' m not crying all because of him..Just fell why so stupid am i!!...And i feel everything i do also fail...My undang fail...I' m so careless...Many ppl know it(i have a crush on him)All means i' m so stupid!!...I'm getting happy and like nothing after that is because...I dun wan let people ask why i sad or anything...Coz i dun wan ppl noe it...Yaa...I' m quite fake sometime...I hate myself too...Cause,I dunno which is the real of me too...But,i never treat my fren with the fake attitude...NEVER...I'm so sorry...Please forgive me,WanXuan...Cause,i dun wan lost one of my best fren...I'll try to be back what u want me to be...Sorry...Or else u just tell me any problem...I'll change...
How wish i have brave to say it to him while in the game~~''Honey,I love you..If you love me..Would you please just smile?"Regarding about tis game larr..Last time senior youth we been play before...I remember that time after youth..we were like so sien..Sit over there..Nothing to do...So suddenly,he called my name and said:"Kar Kay.............I love you........If u love me...Would you please just smile?!"I was so nervous and been scared by him...Huh?!!!...So suddenly.....Then all people is looking at here...(at that moment..There are not much people larr)...I try to ignore him at that moment...Now i know i did wrong jorrr=(....
Before chinese new year....Fong Li gave my sister two free ticket for Sunway Lagoon all park...But we don't have the time to go yet...But, really thank god that..We have one day both of us(me and my sister)get off day on 26th of Feb~~That day is Angel birthday too...But i forget jorr...Cause i have long time didn't went out have fun with family jorr...(sorry T3ngTenG...)So,by 1 sumthing we arrived there~~Coz we only have two free ticket...So,that we buy two more ticket for me and mummy~~So,we just get a 3 park ticket for mummy and me~~But quite sien over inside lorr...I dun like to play game...play water and view wild park and wild show~~The person who take the show is quite funny~~Although very less people ''bang chen''~~After we play enuf in sunway lagoon~~We going to have our Dinner...Cause we have long time din come out jorr...Dunnno wat to eat also...But,i suggest to have shogun sushi buffet~~We never try to eat shogun before~~After we discuss and we felt the price the price is quite okay...They just charge RM69nett...And so much food inside...Thai food,BeiJing Duck,Korea food..And the main food is shushi larr...Quite excited to have shogun 1st time~~LOL~~A bit like ''sma ba lou'' larr..But we get very full when we get back~~Before we go back...We walk in to a sweet house(tang guo wu)to take a look~~But we still have buy some sweet~~Suddenly i get a msg from WanXuan~~She ask me to call her...Then i just call her lorr...She ask me:"ah kay,ni yi ka hai bin dou?!...Angel wan gan ni arr~~"(where are u now?Angel is looking for you)After that she say:"Angel gam yat shang yat arr!!"(Angel birthday today arr!!)Then i was like...Oppsss....Sei lorr....I mostly forget about it jorr...I answer wanxuan:"wo yi ga hai KL wor"So,WanXuan ask me to call angel larr...So,after that i just call to angel to apologize it...Then i faster go and get one gift for her...Dunno she like it or not~~ Describe about angel~~Angel is a gal that rich but she not proud and she is a kind gal~~people ask her for help~If she is free~Sure she been counted inside~Before that i though that she is a gal that dun like to talk about love life one...But actually everything also can share to her~~Love her hand made cheese cake~~And she is a''ren bu ke mao xiang'' de people~~!st time u meet her...You will feel like:"wow~~this gal quite ''jing'' xia lorr.."After we been ''sou''...She wan to berak also will say it out~~Is a funny gal...Love to act,to make people who around her happy~~She is a famous gal among us~~because she is sociable and lovely~~She is a pro in music~~(These is not all i wan to discribe about her...Bcz too much..But who disagree?!!...No, rite?~~She really a good fren to make~~)Love you ANGEL~~
Like i said...I really dun have that patient on game actually...Coz i LAZY~~LOL~~So,the FFS...I have been play for 2 months...But he didn't raise me up to 2B also...I was so bored jorr..Feel like, why i still want to play this game?...He don't cares also...So,once i saw Jojo(Joey)I just ask her to raise me to 2B~~But she say:"dun ask ppl to buy you...If you ask larr...Ppl raise jorr also no surprise lorr..."But then, 21/03/10 that day...i on FFS...Firstly i saw my cash...Wah!!...Why got 2B cash geh!!...First things came to my mind is..My pets all let people buy jorr...Coz before that is just 1B cash mah!!...After i saw my value~~Fu-yoh~~4B wor~~~This really a big surprise to me!!~~And my owner is Jojo^^So happy to have you~~But feel a bit sad too...Cause he dun want me jorr=(...Through msn with Harry only i know something..Harry say..Firstly he don't let me go geh~~But after that dunno why let jorr...So,i just ask Jojo lorr..Jo said she ash him:"i raise kar kay arr?"Then he answer jo:"No, U raise frank"Then jo ask again..Then he no answer anymore=(...But then...At least he got say NO at first...Stay with Jo is more comfortable with him geh!..At least...No need to follow rules~~And i can get back my LengZai pet jorr~~But dunno why i'll feel a bit sad to see owner de pic not him at all jorr...(sorry Jo)A big Thanks to my Jojo~~Muacksxx~~~Love you Jojo~~
I know that no one is perfect larr....But at least people will have things he/she can do it well~~But why i just feel like i only got destroy...Didn't help any one up also =( ......Unlike me myself...Feel that i' m so useless...Like we play game..Those who same group with me before..Sure ''yim hei''(Cantonese) me one....Coz i always make the group lose or...When we face some station game..That i can't do one...I sure cry one =( .....Where is my talent?!...Where is my goodness?...Why i only found my badness out only...Not that i think positive larr... I really beh tahan myself... No patient..No Love...Summore hai yao xiao qi tim...Sei lorrr...God faster come and change my bad attitude larr...
JenJen(TiJEn)~~LOL~~Naton bring him to our youth~~After that he received Jesus in his life~~In the beginning, i doesn't like him so..And doesn't treat him well as my friend...I didn't know him well too..I did a wrong things..I didn't know him well,why i still unlike him?..I' m so bad..Actually i saw him just wanna talk to LengLui..So,i felt like:"Okay larr...Never mind..I don't mind too..."Okay larr...I admit..I' m so jealous others girl~~Cause they so beautiful..Then i' m....FAT...Argghhh~~~Then i always ''ding '' What he say...(sorry, ah Jen...May be before this i'll been hurt you!..Please forgive..)Started to know him and treat him as my friend..Before he going back to Johor =(...That moment i felt too late ad..After that i tell him about my secret...So,he help me some also..LOL~~We use msn to know each more...And so glad that he can attend our Senior Camp...Hear he saying that he couldn't go to church at Johor there...Felt that he is so cham=( How good we can attend church and some of our family is christian too...We have pray for him...Hope god's heard our prayer and work his miracle too...Is so great to have a friend like him...Sociable, Lovely...Talkative XD...And Gentlemen~~It is so important for the generation now..Because for those who is gentlemen one..Seem like all die jor..LOL~~No,lar...Got also..Less lorr..JenJen..Gambatik~~God always hear our prayer....And God loves you~~We'll put u on our prayers always~~^^
14th-16th march...Our youth had plan to have a senior camp...Just for 17 years old and above~~Just feel excited and worried before going this camp...Cause i scared those committees use those things i scared one(ballon,worms)to play..Thank god,They didn't^^We got 1 van and 4 cars to there...we move about 2pm..Once we get there..We faster to get our own bed..I' m sleeping with WanXuan..She didn't cares me geh...She say so cool..So,i was share some of my blanket to her..But,at midnight she get down to sleep with other..But din put back the blanket to me nicely..><..Make me cool til wake up..Around 4pm..we start our 1st activity...And then our dinner is BBQ~(unlike to have BBQ..While i' m super hungry-ING)Lazy to make and no one help on that timeT.T....After finish our dinner...we gather at hall and sing song for Kreuz..(but,badly the cake been lock..Couldn't take it out...So,we just sing song and pray for he 1st..before that,suddenly he come behind me and ask me...Where is the cake...Yoo~Gan Cheong dou wo arr!!...That one really make me so nervous~~The second day is going 2 have beach games~First game is Heard and Tale...Blind with ball...Sand Castle...The second game...Our group chase with WanXuan group~~So i just consider 2 chase with WanXuan lorr..First time she win jorr...Then the second time,i use to chase with her again...And the ball will be round to beside the sea...And pauline lead me go straight and turn right...Firstly...I though i was turned right ad...But i heard she say so many time..So,i was just turn back to right again...Then nicely..I get the ball..So pauline ask me to run back to our place...I was just run run run...And i heard go straight..After that no sound anymore...Then i was thinking:"why the water "yu lai yu gou''(Cantonese)..After that,straight away fall into the sea jorr...(Can't stop laughing when i write til here...LOL~)Cause feel tired jorr...Just thinking that may be still need my own self to get up de...So,i just slowly to get up...Once i get up..only i remember...I still wearing the cloth..Then i take out i saw Danny beside me...And he pull me up...Zack behind him too..On that moment i was like(Awww~~So sweet...I though nobody cares me one...But so sad not him to come to me..=( ...)And then we continue our third game-Sand Castle!!..I was no idea what to do~So,i myself to request been a runner~~And i run here to get a chopstick and run back to give them..After that they say they need scissors...So,i go to the station to get that..He say:''30 times pumping..If cannot..U can go back and ask guys to do.."Then i say:"nevermind larr..Emm..can separate do or not..He say:"can."So,i just started to do..When i just doing my 4th time..Then he say:''20 times enuf larr.."Ya..arr..so nice...Thank you..Then i forget how may time i do just now jorr..LOL~~So,he remind me^^...After finish our game~~we get back to take bath and have our dinner...On our second service...We were so happy^^Welcome Kreuz to our family^^..Thank god that he received you being he savior~~Then after our service...Pastor, Uncle simon and aunt Winnie bring supper for us^^(Bubur manis dengan you zha gui^^)After finish our supper...pastor allow us to get into the dome by 1am^^LOL~~So,we just have Fun, Dance and Games only we get back to our dome~We chit-chat until 3 sumthing only sleep...It was a awesome camp^^But, the second day...we were like dun wan to get up...Too tired jorr...LOL~~ WanXuan say i' m so brave to talk to them..by using my broken English..Okay...I admit my english is poor..But some time we talk in Cantonese one okay... You also ar...say dun wan to go...Bcz nobody accompany you...all around you one is human okay...LOL~~I know u enjoy the camp too^^...
My mood is so upside down recently...Because of him...I read his ststus on MSN...Then i started to think who is the person he write it for?!...Then i emojorr...After that i post my status up to MSN..I write:''Bad mood=( "Then he msn ask me why bad mood ar?...It makes me feel so surprise that he will come and find me^^Cause i heard GG said he won't find ppl except got thins to do larr...Then i answer him:'' Have read something shouldn't read..Lolz.."Then he say:''come share =)"Then i answer him:''You won't understand Girl's things delarr...''You know what he said:''Why not? I' m Doreen"(ZhaDoude feeling==!!)He said:''Don't be sad ok? Sad liao not pretty"Finally he said:''Don't sad la k? U are LengLui. Cannot sad~~(on that moment i feel like---Piow~~Flying jorr...)LOLz~~So happy...After that i saw he come back jorr..So i find him back...Kay:''Eh,so fast get back ad?"He:"Have Lunch only mah.."After that he said:"Come play Reversi" (Actually last time i got find him to play reversi one de..But then that time line sucks...Couldn't play dou...And that time i feel he like no mood,so i also dun wan kacau him jorr =(...)Kay:"okay,later the lose one will belanja the win one arr...(actually i noe i must be the loser...Coz I'm noob in games)" The games almost want to end jorr...And it seem like where i put where i die...LOL~~Then i just msg him say:''Jalanmana,matimana!!"After that he just make me win the game..Wow~it's amazing...He make me win...He is so careful to me^^In the end he said:"ok,now i owe u.."But i tell him that i want sushi(Jogoya)...He said:"no larr...i owe u one meal only..k"After that i just tell him that is joking only larr~~One things is..This is his first time to find me without any reason...Just cares me...Super happy jorrr~~~=)
People always unlike raining...But did they think about..If our earth don't have rain?!...What will happen next?..Did they think,after raining what will come out...Yaa...Is rainbow...Just like rain meanshopeless(maybe)...And rainbow means to hope..Hope that my future have a rainbow is waiting onme...mood Status:bad=( Reason:Him...I read sumthing i couldn't read...Plus:I' m a person who think so much while read that...Things like that:Won't let you get away-ay and You're better than best~SMILE;) Where is my rainbow?!...
16 of Feb...We plan to have movie(Percy Jackson) and lunch on that day...Our organizer is CaroL ThaM...On that day we have 15 people together...Luckily tijen not go back to johor yet...So,he watch movie togehter with us^^Jenny also just come back from her Kem...But then,after that she need to rush back to Kem...T.T...I also need to going back to work by tomorrow...But i guess we are enjoying at that moment...Cause,i felt like our youth are seldom to set a outing jorr...So,million thanks to CaroL thaM...^^ In conclusion:Before this,we use to vote for our movie...Most of the people also say dun want to watch this movie(Percy Jackson)...BUT...after finish watching...All of the girls also say:''Percy is mine one.."==!!...See...Girls always like that==!!...Peuiiiiiiii.....Nasih baik...i cakap i datang tegok LengZai punya...Tak macam mereka...I'm the honest one!!...XD...
5th of Feb is Krystle birthday....We plan to celebrate her birthday...Location:layang-Layang Steamboat...Because that day is friday...So that i can try to rush back to seremban...But,i' m the late one...Lolz~~After we finish our dinner...we sing song fro krystle and give our present and flower+some special gift...(snow spring and some egg and water ballon)A bit disgusting right?..But,she received all these thing...Lolz~~Force by us...XD...So,after finish all these thing we just go back lorr.... Word for Krystle:krystle...U are a special girl...I love ur good attitude...Cause you always care us...Why did i say u are so good leh?!..Because,u can play hard when play...(unlike me...so useless)..U can care for the small one while playing games...(unlike me,care myself also teruk jor..)...U are so smart in study..(unlike me,i'm stupid...)In Conclusion:Krystle...U are so lovely...
Is it me?!..I'm ah kay right!?...I'm not that kind of people will do that right?!..Why arr?...Why i become like that de arr?!...Why u praise my picture looks pretty..Then i use to take more pretty de photo..When you praise my dishes is nice...Then i use to upgrade my cooking skill..I feel like i become so wired larr....A bit things about you...I can become so sad or so happy...Like before that,we chat on msn...I tell you that i very unlike people praise my picture some more want to say:''wah!!..Ur picture so nice lerr...Look unlike you lerr...''Then i don't happy jor...That is me mah...How come will unlike me lerr...==!!..Then u tell me:''u take a storm,will come out with a storm; u tale a tree,will come out with a tree; u take a lenglui,will come out with a lenglui lar...''After he saying that,really makes me happy for a whole days jor...No..Is whole week jor...Some time chat with him really felt so happy...But,i just think that i had kacau dao him or not...I have ask him before:''Am i kacau you arr?!..Please tel the truth larr...''So,he say:''You din..."Then:"i mean u cannot kacau me,i' m pro lerr....''Haha...I'll never forget that...On that time he anwser me when he doing his assignment...Lolz~~XD...And then,nearest got one time...I find him...So i say:''u busy or free..If busy then never mind larr..''Then he just anwser me:''say''I feel so scared and sad jorr on that time...Coz normally,he will answer soften a bit...And then,after all the thing...The few days i also black face...until my manager ask me:''what happen to you ohh?!..These few day i saw u like ''face black black'' like that de?!..=P...Actually those few day i ''face black black'' is because him + ulcer...bad mood+ cannot talk also...=P...so sorry to my manager...