It's SUNDAY!! I felt i was so busy before i go Philippine!
Is because i din even finished pack my thing!! 0.0
went church for prayer~ Borrow the luggage from my cousin!
Huhhhhh~ i got so much thing haven't done yet, but i'm still so relax about it! =D
5pm went church for choir practice! 8pm rush for my dinner with family!
Then 10pm off to Pastor's house.... Said bye bye to my mama and jie jie!! =')
I saw junior inside Pastor's house as well~ 0.0
Know why? Because of his lovely GF!! =.= (CHU CHU)
LOL! is just only 10 days jekk~ Need to be like that mou~ Hahahah~
May Yee reach here around 11pm~ She late again...
Is okayyy, because she got things to settled!
We off to bed around 11 sumthing actually! But, may yee keep on chatting with us~
LOL! SO, we slept around 12 sumthing~
Thank God, i can wake up early in the morning 3sumthing...0.0
Pastor and Bro.Kok Hon drive us to airport~
After check in, we have McD for breakfast.... (seriously, i dun like to have fast food in the morning~ no choice T^T)
Well, we move to the airplane after finished our breakfast! I started nervous of the flight ad!!
So, say bye bye to MALAYSIA baaaa~
I felt SUPER not well, after the airplane flyyyyyyyy~
I slept around one hour then the other 2 hours 40 minutes i was doing nothing...
I should say that i can't do anything... I felt like vomiting but i can't vomit it!! 0.0
Get what i mean? Just like sitting a roller coaster~!!
After arrived the airport of philippine...i get nervous about how they wanna landing the flight!!
Once the airplane landing... my tears come out ad! T^T
Ehhh~ I'm so uuseless larhh~ Like that also fall tears ad!!
But, i seriously not feeling well after the fly =((
After all, say Hello to Phillippine baaa~ =]
P/S: After the cried from very paishe i know~ But they know i'm x feeling well...In this moment, i feel so warm about their caring... Like Nicholas, he know i'm not feeling well. He will take care of me..and not leaving me to be the last ppl who stand behind! =) and Julian, when i'm about to take my luggage.. He used to help me! and HIM, he used to carry my luggage as well.. Just that i rejected to be helped! =)) Thanks to all of them, when i need them.. God, you always know what i want =))
What had happen in my life. No matter happy or sad! I would like to share to you~ :) I hope each of everything i had done, I could glorify your name Jesus.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Saturday, November 20, 2010
A Short One! Before i GO!!
Hi hi everyone~ Just a sweet short post here~
Since so many fan[s] ask for updating my blog...
But, i seriously nothing to update..So, just to update you guys!!
My fringe is BACK!! =D Fuu-yohh~ Dun be Shocked by my fringe arhh~
Since i had been one year din cut it jorr~ So, will look a bit wired larr~
But yet, i LOVE it!! and i know it makes me look more younger than my age! xD
Here is some pics that i take with my fringe one gehh~

I <3 smile ="">

I <3
P/S: I'm officially going mission trip soon! To those who miss me one! For sure i'll be missing you first~ LOL! I'll bring blessing to them as they blessing us as well~ and I'll bring back the bless to bless you guys as well~ Do pray for me~ If you remember! =]
P/S 2: To those who are going for their exam~ Nothing much to say but GAMBATIK nehh~ God will always be with you, dun worry! Just go~ except you din do any prepare for it larr~ =X
P/S 3: This is all i wanna update! and yet, i'm off to bed now! SUPER sleepy and now is raining! I LOVe it~ =]
To Be Coontinued after i back from philippine! see u guys =]
Thursday, September 16, 2010
what thing i can't live without?
What thing that i can't live without?
Food? Music? Camera? Yeahhh~ These is all i can't live without!!
Especially camera~ xDDD (Once i free, i'll just taking pic 0.0)
And i am going to show up some picsss~ Do comment please =)
Just realize that i 'm a narcissist!!! 0.0
Food? Music? Camera? Yeahhh~ These is all i can't live without!!
Especially camera~ xDDD (Once i free, i'll just taking pic 0.0)
And i am going to show up some picsss~ Do comment please =)
Just realize that i 'm a narcissist!!! 0.0
Moon Cake Festival~
MoonCake Festival is coming soon~
It will on weekdays again!! Sighhhhhhhhhhhhh*
Thank God that i received MOON CAKE before the day come~
My boss gave it to us =] From Baker's Cottage~
ERmm...I don't really likeeeyy actually...
But, i appreciate the gift from my boss =)
Felt so warm once i get it~awwwww~
There some show-off pics....xDD
It will on weekdays again!! Sighhhhhhhhhhhhh*
Thank God that i received MOON CAKE before the day come~
My boss gave it to us =] From Baker's Cottage~
ERmm...I don't really likeeeyy actually...
But, i appreciate the gift from my boss =)
Felt so warm once i get it~awwwww~
There some show-off pics....xDD
Friday, September 10, 2010
F R I E N D !!!
Well, before you read this. Please confirmed that you understand me well.
Cause i scared i might write something that you will not agree me!!
To me, FRIEND are the importance people to me (beside GOD and FAMILY)
The friend i means is my best friend larr~ Those who know me well.
Guess you know i 'm a kind of person like to rely on people and keep on think about nonsense!!
What i wrote on my msn status--------> You're hurting me in the moment you don't know!!
Yeah~ These is for you guys de!! I might joke around with you every single moment~
But, actually that's only when i'm back to seremban!!!
(Don't you received my message said that i miss you?)That's what truth i said it from my heart!
I also don't know why i felt so lonely once i get back to KL!! =((
I hate the feel, was like we get so far~ And i got no much friend in KL as well.
What i've done everyday? Go to work...Back to home...Cook for dinner and lunch...
I don't even have time to know new friend... Sad case is i only got one colleague in my office...
And i don't feel like she's can called as my friend! Colleague means colleague...
Feel sure different a bit geh~ Know why i'm getting upset recently mahh?
I know you guys going movie with your friends..This is what i sad about..
I'm not jealous you guys, just felt i have no more friend except you guys jorr =((
To: Someone....
I know i shouldn't write here~ But, please don't joke me as asking me go yaksi!
It hurt me =(( I know you just kidding. But, sorry that i couldn't take it as a joke when i'm in KL.
FRIEND!! Please care me when i'm in KL...
You guys a bit different from me...So, you might don't know how i feel...
Care me more please~ Or leave me alone!..
By the way, thankiuuuu for being my friends...
I felt happy about it!! At least i still got friend...
Hope this post won't shocked you~ Sorry, if i shocked you =X
Cause i scared i might write something that you will not agree me!!
To me, FRIEND are the importance people to me (beside GOD and FAMILY)
The friend i means is my best friend larr~ Those who know me well.
Guess you know i 'm a kind of person like to rely on people and keep on think about nonsense!!
What i wrote on my msn status--------> You're hurting me in the moment you don't know!!
Yeah~ These is for you guys de!! I might joke around with you every single moment~
But, actually that's only when i'm back to seremban!!!
(Don't you received my message said that i miss you?)That's what truth i said it from my heart!
I also don't know why i felt so lonely once i get back to KL!! =((
I hate the feel, was like we get so far~ And i got no much friend in KL as well.
What i've done everyday? Go to work...Back to home...Cook for dinner and lunch...
I don't even have time to know new friend... Sad case is i only got one colleague in my office...
And i don't feel like she's can called as my friend! Colleague means colleague...
Feel sure different a bit geh~ Know why i'm getting upset recently mahh?
I know you guys going movie with your friends..This is what i sad about..
I'm not jealous you guys, just felt i have no more friend except you guys jorr =((
To: Someone....
I know i shouldn't write here~ But, please don't joke me as asking me go yaksi!
It hurt me =(( I know you just kidding. But, sorry that i couldn't take it as a joke when i'm in KL.
FRIEND!! Please care me when i'm in KL...
You guys a bit different from me...So, you might don't know how i feel...
Care me more please~ Or leave me alone!..
By the way, thankiuuuu for being my friends...
I felt happy about it!! At least i still got friend...
Hope this post won't shocked you~ Sorry, if i shocked you =X
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Really lazy to get a update on my bloggggggg~
Dunno what else i got to update to you guys...LOL~
But, i don't want to leave here empty forever~So, i try my best to do some updated larrr~ =]
National Day
It's holiday!! But, i couldn't get back to my hometown!! Hate holiday in weekdays!!
Especially friday larr~ ARghhh~ WEll, couldn't get any friend to go out with me!
So, i walked alone AGAIN!! I went to the free admission geh picture PAMERAN~
Quite nice siaaaa~ zap-beh-lang people geh picture also got~
Then i went to the KLCC book store~ Non-book i can buy over there!! 0.0
Too expensive for me jorrr~ Then i got no place to go jorr~
I sit a side to read my book that i buy last year on the book fair one geh~
PaiShe~ Still got a lot haven't finish TIM!!! LOL
After that, i meet up with my sister. We have PIZZA for dinner ~Weeee
p/s: before the national day coming..I sleep around 8pm! A night without any fire work sound! =D
Jogging Day <3<3<3> First time i plan for jogging~ I invite a few geh...
But, boys couldn't join us!! xD So, 6sumthing i received a message from someone!!
That tell me it's raining now! 0.0 I was liked OMG!!! Then i sms my dearest Jo~
She said just go, it'll stop =) awwww~ thankiuuuuu that she stop my worry-ness. LOL
Then we just go luuu~ Thank God that rain stop so fast!!
We just get to have one hour geh joggin jek =X (Like didn't joggin pun!! lol)
Then we go FS makan~ Arghhhh~ Guess i have to train well my parking skill O.o
Don't wish to scared them other time jorrr =(( and it hurt.
p/s: i won't not ever forgot wad happen that day!! =DDDD 1. Angel's nice colour ..... xD
2. WanXuan her most YENG waving towel skill=DDD
3. Joey geh MILO!! Can add plain water to drink geh milo! xD
4. Jenny's admirer geh Liang Cha~ Fu-Yohhhh~ LOL
Zack's Fed Back Bufday Celebration! Actually we should celebrate carol bufdayy as well~
Sorry arhh~I no money reticently! =S Next time k? =)
We sing song to him, and we take a lot geh picture~ LOL
Don't know since when we been photo holic ad arhkk?
Dunno what else i got to update to you guys...LOL~
But, i don't want to leave here empty forever~So, i try my best to do some updated larrr~ =]
National Day
It's holiday!! But, i couldn't get back to my hometown!! Hate holiday in weekdays!!
Especially friday larr~ ARghhh~ WEll, couldn't get any friend to go out with me!
So, i walked alone AGAIN!! I went to the free admission geh picture PAMERAN~
Quite nice siaaaa~ zap-beh-lang people geh picture also got~
Then i went to the KLCC book store~ Non-book i can buy over there!! 0.0
Too expensive for me jorrr~ Then i got no place to go jorr~
I sit a side to read my book that i buy last year on the book fair one geh~
PaiShe~ Still got a lot haven't finish TIM!!! LOL
After that, i meet up with my sister. We have PIZZA for dinner ~Weeee
Jogging Day <3<3<3> First time i plan for jogging~ I invite a few geh...
But, boys couldn't join us!! xD So, 6sumthing i received a message from someone!!
That tell me it's raining now! 0.0 I was liked OMG!!! Then i sms my dearest Jo~
She said just go, it'll stop =) awwww~ thankiuuuuu that she stop my worry-ness. LOL
Then we just go luuu~ Thank God that rain stop so fast!!
We just get to have one hour geh joggin jek =X (Like didn't joggin pun!! lol)
Then we go FS makan~ Arghhhh~ Guess i have to train well my parking skill O.o
Don't wish to scared them other time jorrr =(( and it hurt.
p/s: i won't not ever forgot wad happen that day!! =DDDD 1. Angel's nice colour ..... xD
2. WanXuan her most YENG waving towel skill=DDD
3. Joey geh MILO!! Can add plain water to drink geh milo! xD
4. Jenny's admirer geh Liang Cha~ Fu-Yohhhh~ LOL
Zack's Fed Back Bufday Celebration! Actually we should celebrate carol bufdayy as well~
Sorry arhh~I no money reticently! =S Next time k? =)
We sing song to him, and we take a lot geh picture~ LOL
Don't know since when we been photo holic ad arhkk?
Selamat Hari Raya!!!!!
Now already September~ Seem like time pass so fast!! And i'm going to be 19 years old also!!
I was so down these few day...I get to know most of my fren they went movie with their friend!
And i don't even watch movie with them for so long ad =((
But, Tahnk God that Someone make my day that day~ When i'm moody...
We have long time din talk to each other, no matter is msn or talk face to face! =X
I msn him ask him to belanja me JOGOYA!! xD (i'm just kidding! and i hope so! LOL)
He asked how am i recently lorrr~LOL...He still care me as a fren =)
In Conclude: Thankiuuuuuu Dorren, Dorek, D_ _ _ _ and wanxuan for make my dayyy =)
imma crazyyyyyy for book fairrrrr~ eheheheh~
Actually i asked harry and his GF join me also gehh~
Who know his GF suddenly not available ohh~Then, i have to go ALONE again! zzzzz
Is okayyy also larrr~ But, i hate to be alone!! =S
Well, back to the book fiar event!! LOL
I buy 10 bookssssssssss ad~(Actually i don't even finished the book i brought last year one! xD)

Now already September~ Seem like time pass so fast!! And i'm going to be 19 years old also!!
I was so down these few day...I get to know most of my fren they went movie with their friend!
And i don't even watch movie with them for so long ad =((
But, Tahnk God that Someone make my day that day~ When i'm moody...
We have long time din talk to each other, no matter is msn or talk face to face! =X
I msn him ask him to belanja me JOGOYA!! xD (i'm just kidding! and i hope so! LOL)
He asked how am i recently lorrr~LOL...He still care me as a fren =)
In Conclude: Thankiuuuuuu Dorren, Dorek, D_ _ _ _ and wanxuan for make my dayyy =)
imma crazyyyyyy for book fairrrrr~ eheheheh~
Actually i asked harry and his GF join me also gehh~
Who know his GF suddenly not available ohh~Then, i have to go ALONE again! zzzzz
Is okayyy also larrr~ But, i hate to be alone!! =S
Well, back to the book fiar event!! LOL
I buy 10 bookssssssssss ad~(Actually i don't even finished the book i brought last year one! xD)
After that i had McD for lunch~ Din felt so happy for having McD pun! =S
P/S:The book i buy for my cousin one, actually hard to find! I tried to ask people around there~But, they couldn't help me~So, i go to the uncle stand over there gehh(His face like cannot do anything =P)But, after that he get to find me the book!! Wooahhh~What i learn is! Don't over underestimate the people you don't know! And judge them by look!! LOL
P/S:The book i buy for my cousin one, actually hard to find! I tried to ask people around there~But, they couldn't help me~So, i go to the uncle stand over there gehh(His face like cannot do anything =P)But, after that he get to find me the book!! Wooahhh~What i learn is! Don't over underestimate the people you don't know! And judge them by look!! LOL
Thursday, August 26, 2010
U P D A T E D!!!!!!
Hihi~Bloggg~I'm backkkkkk~LOLx~ I been killed by Lazyness~
That's why i stopped for one month!! xDDD
My fan[s] ask for~So, i'll do some update~ Weeeeeee~
I know u guys must be so happy about it!! Ahahahaha~
My new JOB!!
I got my new job~Is a online shopping companyyyy...Well, is a some office...
Included our boss...We got four people jek 0.0....Is good also larr~
Not really like my boss...Her grammar was broken then mine!!! =X
WEll, is not the rite time to gossip people here~LOL(Since i know sumone dun like it!)
Learning new things over there, and m no time for FB@MSN at office as well!! =((
anyone miss me around these time?!! xDD (wookayy, not funny at all..)
Thank God that i got another job =]
Mission Trip!!
Wookayyy~Last time i already said i want to go for it!! And my mum allowed also...
But, after i get to know that there is no more place for register jorr~
So, i mai sei jor tiu sum lorrr~Who know, so suddenly i get a news from may yee~
She said there is one more extra place. See whrther i still interested to go or not?~
I'm confusing about it!!! Cause we din save any extra money for it!!
My mum also don't let me go anymore...Cause she said nowadays Philippines very dangerous ad!!
My sister said that rather go for mission trip and i never save my time to accompany my mum =(((
Wookayyy~Finally they allow jorr~But i have to leave some time for my family as well...
But, what to do? Pastor said must have physical fit 0.0(Ohhh noooo!!!)
Really have to prepare for it jorr~Thank God that i been allowed to go for it =]
Fall In Love With BadSwim!!
BadSwim?! You must be curious what is badswim?! xDDD
Wookayyy..Doesn't mean my swimming skill is bad larr~
BadSwim = Badminton + Swimming !!!! I just fall in love with this two exerciseeeee~
At first i join Krystle go for swimming..I was swim so slow...But, i still enjoyed ittttt!!!
So, i consider this to be my physical fit~ xDDD (Although only one exercise larr~Already enuf tired die me jorrr 0.0)
After that, last week.....we (me,xuan and jo) been forced to go for badminton!!! =S
Actually me and xuan just dare lai dare qu jek~Who know he take it so serious!!!
Jo also been tor lok sui jorrr~ xDDDD (But, i guess we enjoyed it as well~)
The second dayyyyyy, my butt was sooooo hand and leg also pain till cannot move jorr =X
But, i still fall in love with it!!! xDDD (I want to play this every week!!!)
Thank God that finally i know how to serve ball jorrr~ xD Thanks to my sifu Jared Mun and Julian Lee as well =] Thankiuuuuuuuuuu~
I'm hungry for movieeeeeeeee~Who can go movie with me?!!!
Thought to ask my ns fren gehhh~Then only i realize he got girlfriend jorr~ 0.0
Haizzzz~People dating, not good to ask him out geh mahhh~
So, i stay at home fat mou AGAIN lorrr~
Re-watch my fav movieeeeeee by Lee Min Ho(My husband <3<3)
And Goong by Joo Ji Hoon(My Boyfriend <3)
Just fall in love with them once again!! Not only their face...Their love story as well...
Recently seem like i'm going back to last time already...Watching sadness movieeeeeee...
Then cry along with them...Why i feel so lonely?!!!!!! T.T
Fed Back!!! (WanXuan's bufdayyyy)
Well, i know she dun like people sing bufday song for her...And she dun like surprise as well...
But, i pian pian want to plan for her arhkk~LOL
I plan to give her a surprise actually...But, seem like she dun really get shocked!!! =S
At least she know her parents love her so muchhh~Not only us mahhh~
Her parents sponsor food for us TIM!!! Thankiuuuu Aunty Uncle~~~We Love You also =3
Wish she enjoy the time and prepared her trails as well larr~Ahahhahaa~
Thank God for sending sumone to be my friend!! I'm proud of ittttt~
Cause i got a PRO actor friend!!! xDDD
Life in KL was soooooo bored~
But, really thank god that i got so much frenz that make my day always =]
Like Xuan, Joey, Angel, Jul so and so~LOL
Wish i can fed back the msg we chat yesterday~
It's fun!!Make me laugh so loud in front of the computer!! xDDDD
Just scared i'll awake my housemate jek =p
Thankiuuuuu guys for bringing fun to me when i'm alone in KL =')
LIFE was bored sumtimes...But, LIFE fun!!!When friends around you =]
Thankiuuuuuuuu frenzzzzzzzzzzzzz~ <3<3<3
That's why i stopped for one month!! xDDD
My fan[s] ask for~So, i'll do some update~ Weeeeeee~
I know u guys must be so happy about it!! Ahahahaha~
My new JOB!!
I got my new job~Is a online shopping companyyyy...Well, is a some office...
Included our boss...We got four people jek 0.0....Is good also larr~
Not really like my boss...Her grammar was broken then mine!!! =X
WEll, is not the rite time to gossip people here~LOL(Since i know sumone dun like it!)
Learning new things over there, and m no time for FB@MSN at office as well!! =((
anyone miss me around these time?!! xDD (wookayy, not funny at all..)
Thank God that i got another job =]
Mission Trip!!
Wookayyy~Last time i already said i want to go for it!! And my mum allowed also...
But, after i get to know that there is no more place for register jorr~
So, i mai sei jor tiu sum lorrr~Who know, so suddenly i get a news from may yee~
She said there is one more extra place. See whrther i still interested to go or not?~
I'm confusing about it!!! Cause we din save any extra money for it!!
My mum also don't let me go anymore...Cause she said nowadays Philippines very dangerous ad!!
My sister said that rather go for mission trip and i never save my time to accompany my mum =(((
Wookayyy~Finally they allow jorr~But i have to leave some time for my family as well...
But, what to do? Pastor said must have physical fit 0.0(Ohhh noooo!!!)
Really have to prepare for it jorr~Thank God that i been allowed to go for it =]
Fall In Love With BadSwim!!
BadSwim?! You must be curious what is badswim?! xDDD
Wookayyy..Doesn't mean my swimming skill is bad larr~
BadSwim = Badminton + Swimming !!!! I just fall in love with this two exerciseeeee~
At first i join Krystle go for swimming..I was swim so slow...But, i still enjoyed ittttt!!!
So, i consider this to be my physical fit~ xDDD (Although only one exercise larr~Already enuf tired die me jorrr 0.0)
After that, last week.....we (me,xuan and jo) been forced to go for badminton!!! =S
Actually me and xuan just dare lai dare qu jek~Who know he take it so serious!!!
Jo also been tor lok sui jorrr~ xDDDD (But, i guess we enjoyed it as well~)
The second dayyyyyy, my butt was sooooo hand and leg also pain till cannot move jorr =X
But, i still fall in love with it!!! xDDD (I want to play this every week!!!)
Thank God that finally i know how to serve ball jorrr~ xD Thanks to my sifu Jared Mun and Julian Lee as well =] Thankiuuuuuuuuuu~
I'm hungry for movieeeeeeeee~Who can go movie with me?!!!
Thought to ask my ns fren gehhh~Then only i realize he got girlfriend jorr~ 0.0
Haizzzz~People dating, not good to ask him out geh mahhh~
So, i stay at home fat mou AGAIN lorrr~
Re-watch my fav movieeeeeee by Lee Min Ho(My husband <3<3)
And Goong by Joo Ji Hoon(My Boyfriend <3)
Just fall in love with them once again!! Not only their face...Their love story as well...
Recently seem like i'm going back to last time already...Watching sadness movieeeeeee...
Then cry along with them...Why i feel so lonely?!!!!!! T.T
Fed Back!!! (WanXuan's bufdayyyy)
Well, i know she dun like people sing bufday song for her...And she dun like surprise as well...
But, i pian pian want to plan for her arhkk~LOL
I plan to give her a surprise actually...But, seem like she dun really get shocked!!! =S
At least she know her parents love her so muchhh~Not only us mahhh~
Her parents sponsor food for us TIM!!! Thankiuuuu Aunty Uncle~~~We Love You also =3
Wish she enjoy the time and prepared her trails as well larr~Ahahhahaa~
Thank God for sending sumone to be my friend!! I'm proud of ittttt~
Cause i got a PRO actor friend!!! xDDD
Life in KL was soooooo bored~
But, really thank god that i got so much frenz that make my day always =]
Like Xuan, Joey, Angel, Jul so and so~LOL
Wish i can fed back the msg we chat yesterday~
It's fun!!Make me laugh so loud in front of the computer!! xDDDD
Just scared i'll awake my housemate jek =p
Thankiuuuuu guys for bringing fun to me when i'm alone in KL =')
LIFE was bored sumtimes...But, LIFE fun!!!When friends around you =]
Thankiuuuuuuuu frenzzzzzzzzzzzzz~ <3<3<3
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
A new relationship begin...
Before this new relationship begin...
I felt so suffer about him...We didn't talk for a few weeks...
Because i done something wrong...Actually for him is alright...
Just that i cannot take over this thing happen...I felt so regret to him...
After my license passed already, I post my msn status as "Finally i get it"
Then he come and ask me "get what?" to start our conversation...LOL
We just talk a while, then he ended the conversation...Thought he was busying...
10 minutes after that, he come and tell me that we're same group in the Picnic game section...
I was so happy about it...But, i still reply him as "Har? AGAIN...Sien lorrr"...
Actually i felt super happy for this... Cause this is the third time we were same group...
When that day come, we no more same group already...Cause we're late for it...
THANKs to Dan...If not for sure i same group with him jorr =(
Felt so j _ _ _ _ _ _ when i saw this =X Teng is helping him to put up the cloth...
Arghhh~Last time i saw he help Teng..Now she help him,nice luuuu =(
We had talk to each other for a while larr~Just makes my day..Cause at least we both still talking to each other =]
After the picnic....I went to Angel's house...Then follow her to church luuu~
While praise and worshiping...I wasn't that concentrate...(Sorry God)
I was think back what he said before...Those i felt hurt geh thing...
Suddenly...Xum..Xum..Xum..Like that come out...Make me feel like wanna cry ad =(
I think i need to talk to him already...I discuss with a few people about this thing...
WEll, Monday coming..Is the time i need to talk to him...Here is our conversation...
Me: morning~ Busy?(Introductory remark...LOL)
He: morning ;) Duno yet...Haha..Still eating my bread..just reach...
Me: Den arhh~Nevermind larr~Enjoy ur bread =] (trying to escape==!!!)
He: Relax a bit lo..Finish jor....Anything?
Me: (OH NO!!Cannot escape ad..He ask jorrr) I have something to tell you.
He: Yeh
Me: I hope you won't be too shocked about it. Actually i got feeling for you..And i know you know ad larrrr~(Hands shaking...)
He: =)
Me: You speak something can make me happy for a whole day..and also you can make me feel sad too~
He: =X
Me: My emotional very upside down for a few time...I hope we can do something about it..I don't want to continue to be like that..Cause i very suffer about it...I hope you can help me treat you back as a friend...Sorry,If i shocked you...
He: are u KK ( KK means KarKay)
Me: lolx~Why ask so? I am..
He: someone type for u? ( i felt so ==!!!! here...)
Me: Nop..
He: u copy paste? u typed it long time edi? (here more ==!!!!)
Me: Nop..It is me...Is okay..If you dun believe it is me...
He: haha..Just wanna make sure....
(Skip here..Cause he ask some question to make sure it is me==!!!After all he said...)
He: okay..My turn to talk..Erm...I thought we made it clear last time..didn't we?
Me: Okay~Tell you clearly ba..I'm a kind person think so much..So that last time i use some way to give up people..That's totally not talk to him..But,i think you won't agree..So,i didn't tell u..
He: Of coz
Me: you clear..But,i'm not (ERmm...Quite hard to explain this pun..Don't und come ask larr~)
He: (between here he Blah Blah Blah~Then he said...) U're the first person to admit to have feeling towards me...i appreciate that...It's just that i'm not ready...
Me: Okay~actually i don't want to admit it also geh~Cause i don't wish our friendship will broke because of me...But,i really suffer about it...(i'm not writing love letter please)
He: Yes i understand..1.)Our friendship will not break..2.)You really don't have to suffer
Me: Are you sure you understand what i said?..i'm not that kind of girl like her...I cannot like u guys still talking to each other...
He:It's hard,because u're shy(yeah...He know me=]) But,why not think this way..we could just be how we are now,having fun,joke around and be happy...But,just keep in mind that we're only friend...
After that he said let's play a game ==!!!!(Change so fast....)
He said imagine now both of us are animals..Cute ones...Choose one animal as him...
I said Puppy..He said i'm bunny...Then take us a name...
His name is Dorek..And i'm fluffy..I had asked him to named me Flurry geh~
He said nop..Cause i'm not McFlurry...(awww~He know what i'm talking about...)
I know why he said must be someone that understand him...I know it feels...
And then he said imagine Fluffy and Dorek are good friend in a beautiful jungle...
Now comes a bigggggggggg Dinosaur...Boom boom boom*~Fluffy! Behind youuuuuuu! RUN~~
(He is cute isn't it xD)Ask me run somo ==!!!!
In conclude-------> I'm Fluffy, He is Dorek...I'm a bunny, and he is a puppy...
No more Kar Kay and ..... jorrr~ It's a new friendship....
This is what i mean geh new relationship....Don't pun so much hope on what my title mean..xD
P/S: Felt so ambiguous when called each other like that..And feel like wanna vomit too..When i read back those msg..LOL~
I felt so suffer about him...We didn't talk for a few weeks...
Because i done something wrong...Actually for him is alright...
Just that i cannot take over this thing happen...I felt so regret to him...
After my license passed already, I post my msn status as "Finally i get it"
Then he come and ask me "get what?" to start our conversation...LOL
We just talk a while, then he ended the conversation...Thought he was busying...
10 minutes after that, he come and tell me that we're same group in the Picnic game section...
I was so happy about it...But, i still reply him as "Har? AGAIN...Sien lorrr"...
Actually i felt super happy for this... Cause this is the third time we were same group...
When that day come, we no more same group already...Cause we're late for it...
THANKs to Dan...If not for sure i same group with him jorr =(
Felt so j _ _ _ _ _ _ when i saw this =X Teng is helping him to put up the cloth...
Arghhh~Last time i saw he help Teng..Now she help him,nice luuuu =(
We had talk to each other for a while larr~Just makes my day..Cause at least we both still talking to each other =]
After the picnic....I went to Angel's house...Then follow her to church luuu~
While praise and worshiping...I wasn't that concentrate...(Sorry God)
I was think back what he said before...Those i felt hurt geh thing...
Suddenly...Xum..Xum..Xum..Like that come out...Make me feel like wanna cry ad =(
I think i need to talk to him already...I discuss with a few people about this thing...
WEll, Monday coming..Is the time i need to talk to him...Here is our conversation...
Me: morning~ Busy?(Introductory remark...LOL)
He: morning ;) Duno yet...Haha..Still eating my bread..just reach...
Me: Den arhh~Nevermind larr~Enjoy ur bread =] (trying to escape==!!!)
He: Relax a bit lo..Finish jor....Anything?
Me: (OH NO!!Cannot escape ad..He ask jorrr) I have something to tell you.
He: Yeh
Me: I hope you won't be too shocked about it. Actually i got feeling for you..And i know you know ad larrrr~(Hands shaking...)
He: =)
Me: You speak something can make me happy for a whole day..and also you can make me feel sad too~
He: =X
Me: My emotional very upside down for a few time...I hope we can do something about it..I don't want to continue to be like that..Cause i very suffer about it...I hope you can help me treat you back as a friend...Sorry,If i shocked you...
He: are u KK ( KK means KarKay)
Me: lolx~Why ask so? I am..
He: someone type for u? ( i felt so ==!!!! here...)
Me: Nop..
He: u copy paste? u typed it long time edi? (here more ==!!!!)
Me: Nop..It is me...Is okay..If you dun believe it is me...
He: haha..Just wanna make sure....
(Skip here..Cause he ask some question to make sure it is me==!!!After all he said...)
He: okay..My turn to talk..Erm...I thought we made it clear last time..didn't we?
Me: Okay~Tell you clearly ba..I'm a kind person think so much..So that last time i use some way to give up people..That's totally not talk to him..But,i think you won't agree..So,i didn't tell u..
He: Of coz
Me: you clear..But,i'm not (ERmm...Quite hard to explain this pun..Don't und come ask larr~)
He: (between here he Blah Blah Blah~Then he said...) U're the first person to admit to have feeling towards me...i appreciate that...It's just that i'm not ready...
Me: Okay~actually i don't want to admit it also geh~Cause i don't wish our friendship will broke because of me...But,i really suffer about it...(i'm not writing love letter please)
He: Yes i understand..1.)Our friendship will not break..2.)You really don't have to suffer
Me: Are you sure you understand what i said?..i'm not that kind of girl like her...I cannot like u guys still talking to each other...
He:It's hard,because u're shy(yeah...He know me=]) But,why not think this way..we could just be how we are now,having fun,joke around and be happy...But,just keep in mind that we're only friend...
After that he said let's play a game ==!!!!(Change so fast....)
He said imagine now both of us are animals..Cute ones...Choose one animal as him...
I said Puppy..He said i'm bunny...Then take us a name...
His name is Dorek..And i'm fluffy..I had asked him to named me Flurry geh~
He said nop..Cause i'm not McFlurry...(awww~He know what i'm talking about...)
I know why he said must be someone that understand him...I know it feels...
And then he said imagine Fluffy and Dorek are good friend in a beautiful jungle...
Now comes a bigggggggggg Dinosaur...Boom boom boom*~Fluffy! Behind youuuuuuu! RUN~~
(He is cute isn't it xD)Ask me run somo ==!!!!
In conclude-------> I'm Fluffy, He is Dorek...I'm a bunny, and he is a puppy...
No more Kar Kay and ..... jorrr~ It's a new friendship....
This is what i mean geh new relationship....Don't pun so much hope on what my title mean..xD
P/S: Felt so ambiguous when called each other like that..And feel like wanna vomit too..When i read back those msg..LOL~
Monday, July 12, 2010
The one i kept deep down my heart =(
I had a best friend BEFORE...She called Yen Ling...
I know her, since i 'm form one...Both of us were so close...
I went to her house for a few time before...We always shared our lunch box...
She is a helpful girl...Willing to help people, If people ask for it...
We were so close...before the day we had been separate to different class...
We had been same class for three years...After that, i meet my primary schoolmate...
Then, I'm getting close with her for the next two years...
Heard some negative comments of my best friend last time...
I still friend with her...Just that i 'm lack of attention for her...
Start from the two years, i felt she getting changing...No more Yen Ling anymore...
Not the one i know last time...Feel like our relationship getting far away...
Both of us are like stranger...Just have lunch together...Nothing more other than that...
Haizzzzzzzzzzzzzz~~~BIG SIGHHHHHH*
Before we graduate , we got work part time job together before...
As a waitress at a hotel Chinese Restaurant...
During the working period also doesn't talk so much...
Felt a bit regret that i didn't really care for her....
Now, both of us also din contact for two years ad =(
Last time i saw her brother, i didn't go and greet to him pun =S
Don't know how is she now =(
Miss her siaaaaa =X
I know her, since i 'm form one...Both of us were so close...
I went to her house for a few time before...We always shared our lunch box...
She is a helpful girl...Willing to help people, If people ask for it...
We were so close...before the day we had been separate to different class...
We had been same class for three years...After that, i meet my primary schoolmate...
Then, I'm getting close with her for the next two years...
Heard some negative comments of my best friend last time...
I still friend with her...Just that i 'm lack of attention for her...
Start from the two years, i felt she getting changing...No more Yen Ling anymore...
Not the one i know last time...Feel like our relationship getting far away...
Both of us are like stranger...Just have lunch together...Nothing more other than that...
Haizzzzzzzzzzzzzz~~~BIG SIGHHHHHH*
Before we graduate , we got work part time job together before...
As a waitress at a hotel Chinese Restaurant...
During the working period also doesn't talk so much...
Felt a bit regret that i didn't really care for her....
Now, both of us also din contact for two years ad =(
Last time i saw her brother, i didn't go and greet to him pun =S
Don't know how is she now =(
Miss her siaaaaa =X
A blessed week i gone through =D
Woah~This week i really been blessed leh~
Firstly, I want to Thank God for leading me to walk my every single step.
Second, I want to Thanks my parents...If not Them, I won't able to be born in this world too.
Third, I want to Thank to my sister...If not her nagging, i won't be going to do what i have to do.
Fourth, I want to Thank to my FANS...xD...If not u guys supporting me and accompany me. I won't able to standing in this stage...xD
What am i talking about ohhh~xD....Joking niaaaa~But, the first till fourth also truth geh~
Good news from me^^
FINALLY, I get my own license lorrr~ARhhhhhhh~>.<
That day i went to car driving test...Ermm....Not really nerves like i take my undang test larr~
But, still got a little bit nerves geh =X
Number 43....Opsss,my turn =S (dang dang dang dang...Background music =D)
Firstly, I get into the car...I turn to gear SATU....The car is moving...
I was not enuf time to see whrther enuf space for my tire or not..
I was thinking..Die jao die larr~agak agak then jau stop....
Phuwitttttt~Ngam ngam hou..Stop inside the yollow line already ^^
After that,Other test i totally not scared jorr~Cause the most harder one i also finish jorr~
What for i still nerves over there...xD (skip those JPJ test part larr)
In conclude i get 16/20 marks for my JPJ test =D
Thank God!!Praise to the Lord ^^
Second good news i wanna tell~Yeah, I found a new job already..
Although i'm not sure whrther i suit to this job or not...But, it's better than i always sit in front of the computer and do NOTHING!!!!
At last but not least...Thank God for everything that he done for me =]
P:S/ That day i meet Jenny...Both of us also Passed!!! xD
Firstly, I want to Thank God for leading me to walk my every single step.
Second, I want to Thanks my parents...If not Them, I won't able to be born in this world too.
Third, I want to Thank to my sister...If not her nagging, i won't be going to do what i have to do.
Fourth, I want to Thank to my FANS...xD...If not u guys supporting me and accompany me. I won't able to standing in this stage...xD
What am i talking about ohhh~xD....Joking niaaaa~But, the first till fourth also truth geh~
Good news from me^^
FINALLY, I get my own license lorrr~ARhhhhhhh~>.<
That day i went to car driving test...Ermm....Not really nerves like i take my undang test larr~
But, still got a little bit nerves geh =X
Number 43....Opsss,my turn =S (dang dang dang dang...Background music =D)
Firstly, I get into the car...I turn to gear SATU....The car is moving...
I was not enuf time to see whrther enuf space for my tire or not..
I was thinking..Die jao die larr~agak agak then jau stop....
Phuwitttttt~Ngam ngam hou..Stop inside the yollow line already ^^
After that,Other test i totally not scared jorr~Cause the most harder one i also finish jorr~
What for i still nerves over there...xD (skip those JPJ test part larr)
In conclude i get 16/20 marks for my JPJ test =D
Thank God!!Praise to the Lord ^^
Second good news i wanna tell~Yeah, I found a new job already..
Although i'm not sure whrther i suit to this job or not...But, it's better than i always sit in front of the computer and do NOTHING!!!!
At last but not least...Thank God for everything that he done for me =]
P:S/ That day i meet Jenny...Both of us also Passed!!! xD
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Subang Rally 2010
Well~I been invited by Jooojo...To attend this event called Subang Rally 2010...
She told me that Subang have a event for every high school CF gather along..
Sound interested...So, i promise to go lorrr~
The date of the event is on 3rd of June...SATURDAY!!
Haizzz~I forget jorrr...we shouldn't go for any event when we got our own services..
Okay,by the way...We go there is because of God's word too...
Haizzz~Just promise God not to do that anymore..
THIS IS OUR LAST TIME ALREADY!!!!!!!(Remember this)
Friday night,my parent fetch us to KL house...Before that,we got some argument with someone..
Although he said he is not scolding us larr~But,his sound scared leh >.<
The first night we slept around 2 sumthing..Then we wake up by 6am =X
After we arrived my sister's office..We went to take LRT to KL sentral...
One funny thing happen before we get in the LRT...
JOEY TIEN dunno how to in the ticket xD~Ask help form me pulak~LOL(Laugh die me lorr~) After that we arrived Subang Jaya Station...Joey's Fren come and meet us~
Joey's fren name Joshua~Is a male...LOL...Quite active siaaaa~ Very fast jau can be his fren jorr~
Cause both of us also talkative xD We take bus to Sunway Pyramid...Thought to have breakfast geh==!!!
Who knew...Don't even see one shop open leh =X Then,we straight away go Taylor's college...
But then i still felt super hungry lorrr~Have we no choice...Then,we order three burgers for McD delivery..xD
About 9:30am only the event start...At first,they lead us a praise and worship time..
Then,Pastor Kenneth Chin come up to have a speech till 12 sumthing...
Woahh~Quite xin ku siaaa~Cause three of us also slept so late yesterday =X
Me and Joshua beh tahan dou =S Both of us also keep on fishing =D
Only Jooojo is the most GENG one..She didn't fall asleep for whole service..
After that,by 1pm..We got lunch there...Cause our registration fees include our lunch too..
Finish our lunch,then we continue our second service...2pm until 5:30pm...
After all,we got our dinner break for 2 hours...We went back to Sunway Pyramid to have Pizzaaaaaaaaaa <3<3<3>
Yummy dao arhh~Aiyearrrrrrr~Gain fats AGAIN!!!Cheeseeeeeee sumoooooo =S
After the dinner,we rush back to the college...Cause we been late already~
Thank God ,People said:"Chinese won't be punctual one." That's why we're not late...LOL
The night concert start by 8 sumthing...Their worship was awesome =D
We were crazy worshiping our Lord~Learn a few new song over there..
Got one song we love the most---->I OFFER MY LIFE <3>
Before the concert end..We get to buy T-shirt of the title this year..
Too bad..Red color shirt been sold out..Then we mai buy last year geh shirt luuu~
The night concert end by 11 sumthing...We get to take some photo then go back...
There are some pic from us =)
The second day,we woke up by 6am~Then we rush back to attend our Sunday service..
Cause we skip jorrr Saturday geh service =X Actually we were late for the first service...
So,i stay back for second service luuu~Then ask May Yee fetch me back after it...
Super duper Tired after this event...Cause i also slept late these few day~
She told me that Subang have a event for every high school CF gather along..
Sound interested...So, i promise to go lorrr~
The date of the event is on 3rd of June...SATURDAY!!
Haizzz~I forget jorrr...we shouldn't go for any event when we got our own services..
Okay,by the way...We go there is because of God's word too...
Haizzz~Just promise God not to do that anymore..
THIS IS OUR LAST TIME ALREADY!!!!!!!(Remember this)
Friday night,my parent fetch us to KL house...Before that,we got some argument with someone..
Although he said he is not scolding us larr~But,his sound scared leh >.<
The first night we slept around 2 sumthing..Then we wake up by 6am =X
After we arrived my sister's office..We went to take LRT to KL sentral...
One funny thing happen before we get in the LRT...
JOEY TIEN dunno how to in the ticket xD~Ask help form me pulak~LOL(Laugh die me lorr~) After that we arrived Subang Jaya Station...Joey's Fren come and meet us~
Joey's fren name Joshua~Is a male...LOL...Quite active siaaaa~ Very fast jau can be his fren jorr~
Cause both of us also talkative xD We take bus to Sunway Pyramid...Thought to have breakfast geh==!!!
Who knew...Don't even see one shop open leh =X Then,we straight away go Taylor's college...
But then i still felt super hungry lorrr~Have we no choice...Then,we order three burgers for McD delivery..xD
About 9:30am only the event start...At first,they lead us a praise and worship time..
Then,Pastor Kenneth Chin come up to have a speech till 12 sumthing...
Woahh~Quite xin ku siaaa~Cause three of us also slept so late yesterday =X
Me and Joshua beh tahan dou =S Both of us also keep on fishing =D
Only Jooojo is the most GENG one..She didn't fall asleep for whole service..
After that,by 1pm..We got lunch there...Cause our registration fees include our lunch too..
Finish our lunch,then we continue our second service...2pm until 5:30pm...
After all,we got our dinner break for 2 hours...We went back to Sunway Pyramid to have Pizzaaaaaaaaaa <3<3<3>
Yummy dao arhh~Aiyearrrrrrr~Gain fats AGAIN!!!Cheeseeeeeee sumoooooo =S
After the dinner,we rush back to the college...Cause we been late already~
Thank God ,People said:"Chinese won't be punctual one." That's why we're not late...LOL
The night concert start by 8 sumthing...Their worship was awesome =D
We were crazy worshiping our Lord~Learn a few new song over there..
Got one song we love the most---->I OFFER MY LIFE <3>
Before the concert end..We get to buy T-shirt of the title this year..
Too bad..Red color shirt been sold out..Then we mai buy last year geh shirt luuu~
The night concert end by 11 sumthing...We get to take some photo then go back...
There are some pic from us =)
The second day,we woke up by 6am~Then we rush back to attend our Sunday service..
Cause we skip jorrr Saturday geh service =X Actually we were late for the first service...
So,i stay back for second service luuu~Then ask May Yee fetch me back after it...
Super duper Tired after this event...Cause i also slept late these few day~
Monday, July 5, 2010
Urgghhhh~Bad Day!!!
Last Friday, i take one day leave for my trail car driving license test..
I wake up by 7am!!Woah~Super tired ohhh~
Cause these few days also wake up before 7am...
Then i drive to Emaju there~Near by Lobak, I go and fetch a girl...
Quite nerves xiaaaa~After we reach there,we got some time for practice..
Huiiiii~Quite okaayyyy larr~By 10 sumthing, we start our trail..
We got a briefing before we start...Sien....
Those thing he tell, we already know one....
Okayyyyy~Trail start....Blah...blah...blah..
After all, I get two mistake ==!!!! People get three mistake only 9 points jek..
Mine one..10 points gone......>. Waiting for my lunch....Gonna get crazyyyyy>.<
Cause i didn't eat anything for breakfast =0 ....Live without food for 6 hours...GENG!!
After that, we rush back to home...I pick my staff...Thought to go to joojo's house...
Who know!!!Just jhave get far away our house jek..
Jau get car accident!!!Arrghhhhh~I was wearing my shoes that time...
Once kenal the car...My mouth "zhuang" to the front!!!When the car stop!!
I look at the mirror...Shocked me!!!My teeth get blood~Yakzzzzzz~
And my mouth painnnnnnnn daooooo T.T Feel like wanna cry already =(
I felt so angry about this kid of thing happen to me...
Then i get down from the car...I keep asking the ppl question...
We know he cannot talk...But,we dunno he cannot hear pun...
I keep talking with angry voice(I'm so bad... T.T)
After a few minutes..I felt i was wrong...Although is the ppl wrong first larr~
But,i shouldn't go and scold him one geh..Although he cannot hear larr~
But,how other ppl think of me leh!!! I'm a christian leh~
I'm spoiling God's image leh!!!!Sorry God~
Haizzz~This car accident make me get a grave ULCER!!!!!!!
Urghhhhh~Super painnnnn arhhhhh~Pray God to heal this as soon as possible larr~
Pray the man is okayyyyy tooo~Haizzzz~
I wake up by 7am!!Woah~Super tired ohhh~
Cause these few days also wake up before 7am...
Then i drive to Emaju there~Near by Lobak, I go and fetch a girl...
Quite nerves xiaaaa~After we reach there,we got some time for practice..
Huiiiii~Quite okaayyyy larr~By 10 sumthing, we start our trail..
We got a briefing before we start...Sien....
Those thing he tell, we already know one....
Okayyyyy~Trail start....Blah...blah...blah..
After all, I get two mistake ==!!!! People get three mistake only 9 points jek..
Mine one..10 points gone......>.
Cause i didn't eat anything for breakfast =0 ....Live without food for 6 hours...GENG!!
After that, we rush back to home...I pick my staff...Thought to go to joojo's house...
Who know!!!Just jhave get far away our house jek..
Jau get car accident!!!Arrghhhhh~I was wearing my shoes that time...
Once kenal the car...My mouth "zhuang" to the front!!!When the car stop!!
I look at the mirror...Shocked me!!!My teeth get blood~Yakzzzzzz~
And my mouth painnnnnnnn daooooo T.T Feel like wanna cry already =(
I felt so angry about this kid of thing happen to me...
Then i get down from the car...I keep asking the ppl question...
We know he cannot talk...But,we dunno he cannot hear pun...
I keep talking with angry voice(I'm so bad... T.T)
After a few minutes..I felt i was wrong...Although is the ppl wrong first larr~
But,i shouldn't go and scold him one geh..Although he cannot hear larr~
But,how other ppl think of me leh!!! I'm a christian leh~
I'm spoiling God's image leh!!!!Sorry God~
Haizzz~This car accident make me get a grave ULCER!!!!!!!
Urghhhhh~Super painnnnn arhhhhh~Pray God to heal this as soon as possible larr~
Pray the man is okayyyyy tooo~Haizzzz~
Thursday, June 24, 2010
What i've done!!!!!!!!!
I received some wired comment under my status...
Him:JIRO HKK,What did you tell her?! lol...(wat does it mean of the lol@.@)
Ermm...I was thinking..All he know already arhh?
Is it heard from her one geh leh?!!!
I thought she won't go and tell geh worrr...
Back to last post i posttttttttttt.....
I tell her that i crush on him...
And i tell her that i have no choice geh larr..
I know who he like...And he still like you leh~
This is what i say so!!!!!!!!
Oh Goshhhhhhh!!...I'm a stupidddddd!!!!
Cause i don't really understand what did he mean ma~
So,i go msn him and ask clearly luuuuuu.....
He told like me...and i like her...
After i saw this..I don't know what i got to say to him...
He said she go and ask him how i know one geh...
Seem like i hoi jorrr him!!!!!!.....
Hope i can do something make him feel better....
After that topic...He said..tell him what Jul told me so...
I was blur when he said this@.@
Then he was long time ago jorrr....
Did Jul ask me to give him up?...
i was shocked....Woahhhh....Very straight forword to the point lorrr...
Scared me...I said i forget already...He dun believe that i forget jorrr....
Hiazzz.....This saturday i have to do somthing already...
Hope wun did any mistake anymore larrrrrrrr>.<
Him:JIRO HKK,What did you tell her?! lol...(wat does it mean of the lol@.@)
Ermm...I was thinking..All he know already arhh?
Is it heard from her one geh leh?!!!
I thought she won't go and tell geh worrr...
Back to last post i posttttttttttt.....
I tell her that i crush on him...
And i tell her that i have no choice geh larr..
I know who he like...And he still like you leh~
This is what i say so!!!!!!!!
Oh Goshhhhhhh!!...I'm a stupidddddd!!!!
Cause i don't really understand what did he mean ma~
So,i go msn him and ask clearly luuuuuu.....
He told like me...and i like her...
After i saw this..I don't know what i got to say to him...
He said she go and ask him how i know one geh...
Seem like i hoi jorrr him!!!!!!.....
Hope i can do something make him feel better....
After that topic...He said..tell him what Jul told me so...
I was blur when he said this@.@
Then he was long time ago jorrr....
Did Jul ask me to give him up?...
i was shocked....Woahhhh....Very straight forword to the point lorrr...
Scared me...I said i forget already...He dun believe that i forget jorrr....
Hiazzz.....This saturday i have to do somthing already...
Hope wun did any mistake anymore larrrrrrrr>.<
Monday, June 21, 2010
A exhausted week
Yeah~I was disappear for going to our church camp =]
Monday i went to wanxuan house for stay over night~
Cause her parents going Singapore visit her brother...
she couldn't come to my house..So,i go to her house luuuuu~
We chit-chat till 4am~We on FaceBook~I msn with Jared...
Keep listen to the song they performance on mother day~
Love the song so much~heard the song made by Jared de worr~
The second day we arrived Malacca~The hotel over there not bad ohh~
I same room with wanxuan~The first night we sleep around 2am~
Wanxuan accidentally wake me up by 5am~She said she heard some voice from the window..
she said the sound like got ppl open and close the window~
Actually is because the wind and heavy rain jek~
Monday i went to wanxuan house for stay over night~
Cause her parents going Singapore visit her brother...
she couldn't come to my house..So,i go to her house luuuuu~
We chit-chat till 4am~We on FaceBook~I msn with Jared...
Keep listen to the song they performance on mother day~
Love the song so much~heard the song made by Jared de worr~
The second day we arrived Malacca~The hotel over there not bad ohh~
I same room with wanxuan~The first night we sleep around 2am~
Wanxuan accidentally wake me up by 5am~She said she heard some voice from the window..
she said the sound like got ppl open and close the window~
Actually is because the wind and heavy rain jek~
The sound scared us>.< Then we went to may foong room sleep~
Till 7am only we wake up...Someone keep complaining us take jorr her bed ==!!! Second service i sit with Jared and harry them =]
I was thinking..Will other think i'm too "fat hao"?...Cause i only sit with guy=="' During the service...Most of us freezing already~
Wanxuan and Jared sharing a jacket =D Pity them xD
They're not enuogh pity then me.. Cause i'm sharing Jul's jacket with Harry =X
I'm sorry XuanXuan=S...I should let you to shared with him geh =P
The Harry wong arhh~Emo cause he didn't get to wake up for his breakfast ohh... Shouldn't emo roommate one okay...Cause is you yourself cannot get up mah~ Please do understand it okay =] We know he tired pun..
But, I'm sorry that forget to Da Bao some food for you pun :P
The first day lunch...We going to Mahkota Parade~
They plan to have Burger King... Urrghhh~No gua...Burger again meh!!
So me, may foong and wanxuan went to food court had our lunch..simply but yummy =)
Second night, we sleep 2 sumthing AGAIN!!Actually we move on to the bed by 12 jorr geh..
But,we keep talk talk talk...LOL...
Then 1 sumthing i received phone call from Jul... Guess why he call me?!
He ask maggie cup from me... Zha dou==!!!Midnight a call for room service is it?!!
Somore want me to boil mai water for him... Cause i don't have..
So,i take may foong geh to him lorr..Though someone will follow him come geh...Hehe~
Once i open door for him...I saw 4 fellow standing outside...One is Jul...
Another 3 not him,Danny or Jeremy...Is Jared,Leon and Harry~
Arghh~We get to talk a while..Cause May Foong not feeling well..
So,they can't stay longer here...Scared will accidentally wake May Foong up...
The next morning...We soon to move..I'm washing my bottle...And the place i standing there...Can see opposite geh thing(outside)...
Then i saw someone is soon to move too...i start to rush rush rush...xD
Though can take the same lift with he geh.. But,the first lift we use to enter one is full ad...So,we wait for another one...
Xuanxuan...Thanks for ur finger go and press the button arhh~xD
Then we really get to take the same lift leh>.<~
After that blah blah blah~I choose to skip it..Cause,not really special thing happen...
I remember in the last service =] Actually i take some place for few of us geh...
Who know not enough place.. So,i move on to the front lorrr...
Thought to ask Jul sit with me geh!! He just keep talk with me...
And seem like he wanna sit with Lois... Then i saw He look to here..
I was thinking...He won't sit here geh~Cause here super cool...And he look to here once again...I act like i didn't see anything...
Keep talking to Jul.. Finally he walk to my side..Ask whrther the place is empty... Yea...My mind is empty too!!!!....It is so lucky...xD
Cause don't know how long we didn't get to talk to each other already...
We didn't talk much...But better than didn't talk...Wanna know what we talking? Ask me face to face ba~But, for sure you're not interested about it one =P
And yea~Jared not sitting the place...Hahaha....How lucky am i~~~
After that,Krystle plan to have some game after that...
We choose to play "Sherly"...Guess what is the word...
Jul,Dan,Kelvin@Jeremy was so funny xD~
After the game...KDJ went to Dota AGAIN!!...Leave Girls...
What to do? Pillow talk lorrrrr~I bring Krystle and Lois to my room.... WanXuan,May Foong and Swee Yee already back to room jorr geh~
Once we get our sit...I keep asking question on Krystle =P After that my turn =X thought to escape geh....Then i was thinking... Pillow talk should tell right..
And i was consider wanna tell truth or lie to them...
Truth is better ba =) Almost want to tell jorr~ WanXuan keep hiding my secret...Then i know what she gonna do...
She ask me not to tell in front of Lois...Not that purposely don't know to tell larr~ Not really close with her ma~So,choose not to tell her luuu~
I start lying that i crush on Dan..xD...Talk so much about him...
Huiiiiiiii..Thank God...He still got many good memory on my mind =P
Seem like i crazy talking things about Dan..Somo said wanna take pic with him tim...xD
After all,we send them back to their room...After sending Lois back~
I tell the truth to Krystle..And i was too Big mouth already!!!!!
Tell mai that thing also...I think She won't mind geh~
Me and WanXuan just have soup for dinner...So,we getting hungry already... Thank God that we walked for so long to buy geh 3 maggie cup!!!
2 people finish 3 Maggie cup...One is huge one geh tim =0
The next day,No one could get up from the bed...
Even May Foong and Swee Yee...LOL~ We're almost late for breakfast already... After finish our breakfast...we just get back to our room..
These is our Church Camp....A bit boring...
But,i enjoy the time when we laying down on the chair..
And look upon the sky...There is so beautiful...When it was night larr~
Seem like all your trouble...No more worry and fears =]
Till 7am only we wake up...Someone keep complaining us take jorr her bed ==!!! Second service i sit with Jared and harry them =]
I was thinking..Will other think i'm too "fat hao"?...Cause i only sit with guy=="' During the service...Most of us freezing already~
Wanxuan and Jared sharing a jacket =D Pity them xD
They're not enuogh pity then me.. Cause i'm sharing Jul's jacket with Harry =X
I'm sorry XuanXuan=S...I should let you to shared with him geh =P
The Harry wong arhh~Emo cause he didn't get to wake up for his breakfast ohh... Shouldn't emo roommate one okay...Cause is you yourself cannot get up mah~ Please do understand it okay =] We know he tired pun..
But, I'm sorry that forget to Da Bao some food for you pun :P
The first day lunch...We going to Mahkota Parade~
They plan to have Burger King... Urrghhh~No gua...Burger again meh!!
So me, may foong and wanxuan went to food court had our lunch..simply but yummy =)
Second night, we sleep 2 sumthing AGAIN!!Actually we move on to the bed by 12 jorr geh..
But,we keep talk talk talk...LOL...
Then 1 sumthing i received phone call from Jul... Guess why he call me?!
He ask maggie cup from me... Zha dou==!!!Midnight a call for room service is it?!!
Somore want me to boil mai water for him... Cause i don't have..
So,i take may foong geh to him lorr..Though someone will follow him come geh...Hehe~
Once i open door for him...I saw 4 fellow standing outside...One is Jul...
Another 3 not him,Danny or Jeremy...Is Jared,Leon and Harry~
Arghh~We get to talk a while..Cause May Foong not feeling well..
So,they can't stay longer here...Scared will accidentally wake May Foong up...
The next morning...We soon to move..I'm washing my bottle...And the place i standing there...Can see opposite geh thing(outside)...
Then i saw someone is soon to move too...i start to rush rush rush...xD
Though can take the same lift with he geh.. But,the first lift we use to enter one is full ad...So,we wait for another one...
Xuanxuan...Thanks for ur finger go and press the button arhh~xD
Then we really get to take the same lift leh>.<~
After that blah blah blah~I choose to skip it..Cause,not really special thing happen...
I remember in the last service =] Actually i take some place for few of us geh...
Who know not enough place.. So,i move on to the front lorrr...
Thought to ask Jul sit with me geh!! He just keep talk with me...
And seem like he wanna sit with Lois... Then i saw He look to here..
I was thinking...He won't sit here geh~Cause here super cool...And he look to here once again...I act like i didn't see anything...
Keep talking to Jul.. Finally he walk to my side..Ask whrther the place is empty... Yea...My mind is empty too!!!!....It is so lucky...xD
Cause don't know how long we didn't get to talk to each other already...
We didn't talk much...But better than didn't talk...Wanna know what we talking? Ask me face to face ba~But, for sure you're not interested about it one =P
And yea~Jared not sitting the place...Hahaha....How lucky am i~~~
After that,Krystle plan to have some game after that...
We choose to play "Sherly"...Guess what is the word...
Jul,Dan,Kelvin@Jeremy was so funny xD~
After the game...KDJ went to Dota AGAIN!!...Leave Girls...
What to do? Pillow talk lorrrrr~I bring Krystle and Lois to my room.... WanXuan,May Foong and Swee Yee already back to room jorr geh~
Once we get our sit...I keep asking question on Krystle =P After that my turn =X thought to escape geh....Then i was thinking... Pillow talk should tell right..
And i was consider wanna tell truth or lie to them...
Truth is better ba =) Almost want to tell jorr~ WanXuan keep hiding my secret...Then i know what she gonna do...
She ask me not to tell in front of Lois...Not that purposely don't know to tell larr~ Not really close with her ma~So,choose not to tell her luuu~
I start lying that i crush on Dan..xD...Talk so much about him...
Huiiiiiiii..Thank God...He still got many good memory on my mind =P
Seem like i crazy talking things about Dan..Somo said wanna take pic with him tim...xD
After all,we send them back to their room...After sending Lois back~
I tell the truth to Krystle..And i was too Big mouth already!!!!!
Tell mai that thing also...I think She won't mind geh~
Me and WanXuan just have soup for dinner...So,we getting hungry already... Thank God that we walked for so long to buy geh 3 maggie cup!!!
2 people finish 3 Maggie cup...One is huge one geh tim =0
The next day,No one could get up from the bed...
Even May Foong and Swee Yee...LOL~ We're almost late for breakfast already... After finish our breakfast...we just get back to our room..
These is our Church Camp....A bit boring...
But,i enjoy the time when we laying down on the chair..
And look upon the sky...There is so beautiful...When it was night larr~
Seem like all your trouble...No more worry and fears =]
Saturday, June 12, 2010

第一次发现你独特的关心朋友方式 =)
第一次被你发现我喜欢上你 =x
第一次遇见你和她在一起 T.T
第一次因为你感到极度伤心 =(
感谢我们现在还是朋友 =]
第一次发现你独特的关心朋友方式 =)
第一次被你发现我喜欢上你 =x
第一次遇见你和她在一起 T.T
第一次因为你感到极度伤心 =(
感谢我们现在还是朋友 =]
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Normally every Wednesday i shall date with Phua Chu Kang and Mr.Siao geh~
This Wednesday a bit special =)
I date someone to talk through the Skype~That's QianQian larr~
Hehe~Glad to hear she have finish her date with Mr.assignment already~
So, i date her to meet up at Skype...This is the second time we did this =p
LOL xD She find me around 8:30pm~Cause i ask so =p
Because last time i have been talk to her till so late =x
Then i have not enough sleep =(
Once we get connected...I called her =D
Thank God!!The line quite smooth =] We can chat like we talk face to face =)
Last time the line was so sucked>.<>
We talk so much =) Got something about him too~
Cause QianQian ask me did i get to see the picture we took last time arhh?
Then i was like :oppss~I almost forget the picture already =p"
I tell QianQian that we both are like last last time...We don't even get to talk to each other!!
No msn!!No more talk face to face!!At least we still comment on each other status =)
Ermmm...I'm stupid..If i stop talking to him..
Then he will know i already know he knew jorrr~Get what i mean? =p
So sorry to my friend larr~If you still heard me talking staff about him...
I think i cannot force myself to let go first..Make me more suffer ba~
Cause once i want to let go..that make me more think about him...
In Chinese...Sun Qi Zi Ran ba~xD
I swear to Grace that If after the Church camp...We get to talk to each other...
I would ask to see the picture...And friend back to him..
Ermm..I mean talk to him like last time =)
Cause i miss that moment..When we still Chatting =x
He gave me suggestion..when i'm worry about something =)
I hope i won't lost this lovely friend~Hehe~
Okiee~I have to said this to others!!
The QianQian arhh~when she's chatting with me larr~
Still doing her "assignment" xD
Know why i said like that?Cause she's chatting to others too larr~
I heard the sound when she typing words...
Woah~Fast and so much things to tell pulak =p
Ahahah~After 3 hours chatting only end our call =X
Felt so sad..Cause i know next week i sure have no time to chat with her jorr =X
Cause i'm going Church Camp.....wooooohooooo~screaming*
This Wednesday a bit special =)
I date someone to talk through the Skype~That's QianQian larr~
Hehe~Glad to hear she have finish her date with Mr.assignment already~
So, i date her to meet up at Skype...This is the second time we did this =p
LOL xD She find me around 8:30pm~Cause i ask so =p
Because last time i have been talk to her till so late =x
Then i have not enough sleep =(
Once we get connected...I called her =D
Thank God!!The line quite smooth =] We can chat like we talk face to face =)
Last time the line was so sucked>.<>
We talk so much =) Got something about him too~
Cause QianQian ask me did i get to see the picture we took last time arhh?
Then i was like :oppss~I almost forget the picture already =p"
I tell QianQian that we both are like last last time...We don't even get to talk to each other!!
No msn!!No more talk face to face!!At least we still comment on each other status =)
Ermmm...I'm stupid..If i stop talking to him..
Then he will know i already know he knew jorrr~Get what i mean? =p
So sorry to my friend larr~If you still heard me talking staff about him...
I think i cannot force myself to let go first..Make me more suffer ba~
Cause once i want to let go..that make me more think about him...
In Chinese...Sun Qi Zi Ran ba~xD
I swear to Grace that If after the Church camp...We get to talk to each other...
I would ask to see the picture...And friend back to him..
Ermm..I mean talk to him like last time =)
Cause i miss that moment..When we still Chatting =x
He gave me suggestion..when i'm worry about something =)
I hope i won't lost this lovely friend~Hehe~
Okiee~I have to said this to others!!
The QianQian arhh~when she's chatting with me larr~
Still doing her "assignment" xD
Know why i said like that?Cause she's chatting to others too larr~
I heard the sound when she typing words...
Woah~Fast and so much things to tell pulak =p
Ahahah~After 3 hours chatting only end our call =X
Felt so sad..Cause i know next week i sure have no time to chat with her jorr =X
Cause i'm going Church Camp.....wooooohooooo~screaming*
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Saturday special
Woah~this Saturday we don't have to go youth~
Ermm...Quite happy,But feel like abnormal...lolz~
Really enjoy the time at youth~hehe
okieeee~Since we don't have to go church so early...
So,Joojo plan to have sing K today...
Ehhh...Actually she use to plan it...
But,"someone skip the prayer meeting and go gai gai wif her sister lorrrr~
so,i got to take her job to ask ppl who gonna join us =x
seem like i doesn't like joojo that famous larr..
when i ask,no one wanna to come for it =(
Except XuanXuan~thanks lorrr...
At first,we thought only 3 of us will go for sing K =x
Then i get news from xuanXuan in the morning...
that she say May foong suddenly say wanna join us!!
Arggghhhhh~What i want to say leh!!
Not really beh song because you join us suddenly...
Why i asked yesterday you said don't want...cause Kar Yee not joining us!!
Please larrr...Follow what u want larr...Don't said because of who or what larrr...
I wake up at 7am..Cause uncle said will come and pick me on that time..But larr...
He late jorrr 1 hour!!!So scared will be late when i finish~
Thank god~everything fine =D
Waitt~Forget some important part...We mostly going to move on jorrr...
Seem like someone haven't wake up yet...xD
Thank God larr...we live so near jek =x If not jau GG lorrr...
We get to have 3 hours to sing gao gao xD~Lalalalala~
Yeah~Just like what XuanXuan said...Just me and joojo SS jek =x
After that we go fish market there meet up with others...AngeL,MelisSa and Joyce^^
Joyce Chong~We know each other when we go for this Elisha Camp~
Although we just stay along with each other for one week~
But,we will never forget the time we enjoy over there ='(
Taking a few photo with her~Never knew she crazy wif taking photo =D
After all,4 of us went to AngeL's house take a rest..Then,we go church by 5:15pm...
Feel like play non-stop arhhh~Super tired and sleepy lorrr =x
Almost fall asleep jorr...when pastor preaching @.@zzzzZzzzz
After the service end...Those who free geh~They went to have Ikan Bakar=(
Too bad i couldn't eat and i couldn't go also>.<
Cause i have to stay back for second service =x
someone bring his GF come ohh~Seem like his GF not that friendly=X And scared us too(we don't bite..>.<)hope she felt alright with us =x
p/s: I will never forget the last song we sang---->Gee gee gee gee~Baby baby baby~Gee gee gee gee~Baby baby baby~lolz~we only know how to sing these sentences...Cause there show us Korea words =x
p/s: Sorry to all my freind...I'm not mature enuf =x And i know i easy get Emo recently>.< it ="(" forgive ="(">
Ermm...Quite happy,But feel like abnormal...lolz~
Really enjoy the time at youth~hehe
okieeee~Since we don't have to go church so early...
So,Joojo plan to have sing K today...
Ehhh...Actually she use to plan it...
But,"someone skip the prayer meeting and go gai gai wif her sister lorrrr~
so,i got to take her job to ask ppl who gonna join us =x
seem like i doesn't like joojo that famous larr..
when i ask,no one wanna to come for it =(
Except XuanXuan~thanks lorrr...
At first,we thought only 3 of us will go for sing K =x
Then i get news from xuanXuan in the morning...
that she say May foong suddenly say wanna join us!!
Arggghhhhh~What i want to say leh!!
Not really beh song because you join us suddenly...
Why i asked yesterday you said don't want...cause Kar Yee not joining us!!
Please larrr...Follow what u want larr...Don't said because of who or what larrr...
I wake up at 7am..Cause uncle said will come and pick me on that time..But larr...
He late jorrr 1 hour!!!So scared will be late when i finish~
Thank god~everything fine =D
Waitt~Forget some important part...We mostly going to move on jorrr...
Seem like someone haven't wake up yet...xD
Thank God larr...we live so near jek =x If not jau GG lorrr...
We get to have 3 hours to sing gao gao xD~Lalalalala~
Yeah~Just like what XuanXuan said...Just me and joojo SS jek =x
After that we go fish market there meet up with others...AngeL,MelisSa and Joyce^^
Joyce Chong~We know each other when we go for this Elisha Camp~
Although we just stay along with each other for one week~
But,we will never forget the time we enjoy over there ='(
Taking a few photo with her~Never knew she crazy wif taking photo =D
After all,4 of us went to AngeL's house take a rest..Then,we go church by 5:15pm...
Feel like play non-stop arhhh~Super tired and sleepy lorrr =x
Almost fall asleep jorr...when pastor preaching @.@zzzzZzzzz
After the service end...Those who free geh~They went to have Ikan Bakar=(
Too bad i couldn't eat and i couldn't go also>.<
Cause i have to stay back for second service =x
someone bring his GF come ohh~Seem like his GF not that friendly=X And scared us too(we don't bite..>.<)hope she felt alright with us =x
p/s: I will never forget the last song we sang---->Gee gee gee gee~Baby baby baby~Gee gee gee gee~Baby baby baby~lolz~we only know how to sing these sentences...Cause there show us Korea words =x
p/s: Sorry to all my freind...I'm not mature enuf =x And i know i easy get Emo recently>.< it ="(" forgive ="(">
Thursday, June 3, 2010
SICK day

That day my belly was pain till i awake =( Then i diarrhea~Ehh...I sit there till i almost fall asleep =p Paishe...paishe~~ After that i went back to sleep lorrr... My belly still pain>.< Around 6 something i get up,i vomit!! =0 Arghhhh~~Really hate the feeling of vomiting... Very disgusting >.<> i woke my sister up...Then she asked me how the? I tell her all the things...So,she ask me don't need to go for work larr... Then i slept again~Around 9 something...I get up...My sister cook me some Oat for breakfast... I only ate a few mouthfuls...Then i have no appetite to finish it... =( While i still watching movie(Harry Potter), my belly keep not feeling well... Suddenly feel like wanna vomit again~That's my second time...Urghhhhhh~ I feel like i spit back what i have eaten just now>.
p/s:Some miracle i got to tell xD After that day i go for work~I only ate a piece of bread for each of my breakfast and lunch =D Is it a miracle? xD
2nd p/s:I miss mee goreng tambah pedas =x
29th of May

Yeah...It been a second week without Kath =(
Okieee~This week we have a special speaker from Pakistan...(if no mostake :P)
So,all the cell group be combine...
After youth~we going to the biggest KFC celebrate swee yee's birthday.=]
Awweee~~Really love KFC^^
Too bad,they don't have spicy taste now...
But then the black paper taste also not bad ahh~xD
Woah~~And we have the luck to have free secret recipe cake^^-------->chocolate cake...
Ermmm...Everyone very full after KFC...So,tell the truth ba~
Not very nice taste after we get very FULL with the KFC..Hehehe...
By the way,thanks to swee yee'mother for belanja us the cake^^
After all,me and Shesh3 and Joojo follow angel's car back to her home...xD
we get to sing some song x)Arghhhh~soon to get high~
Suddenly,a voice from angel said:"jom!Go church luuu~"Awweee~Too bad time ba=)
Next time must Sing gao gao>.<..I think i have long time didn't go Gree Box ad...
I got to be baby site for second service...Ermm...Sometime i feel like bored to facing kids..
Urrghhh~They are more horrible then me =X Their voice when crying...T.T
They're cute...When they're sleeping...lolz~
But,i admire what the style did Boon Ping use to face them..
She can use some way to stop them cry...Yeah,sometime might can't larr...
And i like her way to teaching=] Just felt i'm teaching children too...xD
But,actually i'm just a helper there...Lolz~
After all,i went to my aunt's house...She open party for her elder son...
My cousin 12 years old this year..Soon to have UPSR~
Woah~Think back when i have my UPSR...SIGHHHHHH*Just felt ashamed oh it...
Thought i can be more rajin when i get into secondary school~Can't regret anymore jorr lorrr~
Time flies, i already 19 this year...Time to start my next step!!!Thank God for everything that you gave=] I do appreciate and enjoy my life..No matter is the temptation or test that you gave..Because you with me,so everything fine with me=)
Okieee~This week we have a special speaker from Pakistan...(if no mostake :P)
So,all the cell group be combine...
After youth~we going to the biggest KFC celebrate swee yee's birthday.=]
Awweee~~Really love KFC^^
Too bad,they don't have spicy taste now...
But then the black paper taste also not bad ahh~xD
Woah~~And we have the luck to have free secret recipe cake^^-------->chocolate cake...
Ermmm...Everyone very full after KFC...So,tell the truth ba~
Not very nice taste after we get very FULL with the KFC..Hehehe...
By the way,thanks to swee yee'mother for belanja us the cake^^
After all,me and Shesh3 and Joojo follow angel's car back to her home...xD
we get to sing some song x)Arghhhh~soon to get high~
Suddenly,a voice from angel said:"jom!Go church luuu~"Awweee~Too bad time ba=)
Next time must Sing gao gao>.<..I think i have long time didn't go Gree Box ad...
I got to be baby site for second service...Ermm...Sometime i feel like bored to facing kids..
Urrghhh~They are more horrible then me =X Their voice when crying...T.T
They're cute...When they're sleeping...lolz~
But,i admire what the style did Boon Ping use to face them..
She can use some way to stop them cry...Yeah,sometime might can't larr...
And i like her way to teaching=] Just felt i'm teaching children too...xD
But,actually i'm just a helper there...Lolz~
After all,i went to my aunt's house...She open party for her elder son...
My cousin 12 years old this year..Soon to have UPSR~
Woah~Think back when i have my UPSR...SIGHHHHHH*Just felt ashamed oh it...
Thought i can be more rajin when i get into secondary school~Can't regret anymore jorr lorrr~
Time flies, i already 19 this year...Time to start my next step!!!Thank God for everything that you gave=] I do appreciate and enjoy my life..No matter is the temptation or test that you gave..Because you with me,so everything fine with me=)
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Our miao miow FOREVER!!

Really shocked us!!Summore that day i moody~
Feel like wanna cry,When get to know that you not our youth director anymore=(
Yeah!!We wish not to lost you as our youth director...But for ur health,we do!!
You have been with me as long as 6 years already~~awww~Time pass so fast>.< You have being a youth director for 10 years already're just special for me =)
Cause i know you are a people who easily get involve to others =] Especially those new comes~ You give us a example to learn from you~Not because you don't really know Chinese..Then you give up us~you learn chinese to get more closer to us..And you teach us to be unity,we are only one youth,just that we have two languages!!
I'm the most noisy one in the class..Who have been teaching me..they know it =p
althoug you're not alway in our class..But,i can see are so patience to me~hehe~to the youth too~
I know nothing changing between us~Just that you're not our youth director anymore..But,you still our kath jiejie(miao miao)hehe~we appreciate you,Bless everything is fine with you...
At last but not least..we LOVE you<3<3<3heheheh~~blushhhh***
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Who is the person i can't even forgive one?
i myself cannot get to forgive one!!!
i myself cannot get to forgive one!!!
Last time when i was still so young~My uncle doesn't like me to being a christian!!
He stick a photo which is a God Father "pai pai"!!..They is different with,from that time i don't even dare to share gospel with my relative!!..I don't deserve to be a christion =(....Sigh*
An accident happen on my uncle last year...I don't even go and visit him!!I felt so "hou hui" now!!!Cause i didn't even try to bring God to his life...And his wife and son not being a good supporter to him =(.....Arghhhhhhhh~~~How wish the time can be reverse back on that time!!!...Haizzz~~Although he have been death for a year soon..But,i still can't forgive myself!!
Rest In Peace ba,uncle =(
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
God,Please give me Capability to overcome these~

Doesn't mean that normally u don't have to pray or fasting..Praying is the most important things between our christian~~That's is one of the way to speak to our GOD^^
Fasting..Normally if you want to fast also can larr~~Just that is a time for you to more close with GOD~Fasting doesn't mean must fast FOOD~Can fast those like entertainment arr..Like:Computer game,Blogger,Xinyen,MSN,SDO,Ect!!LOL~all is my entertainment actually..XD~Is very hard to fasting ou know..Cause i 'm those people who easily get hungry one>.<...That's why this is the time to rely on GOD^^Ask GOD to give u power to overcome ur Fasting time^^ At last but not least,Say bye bye to my dinner ba~ba~ba~T.T...Take this time to DIET too^^Azarr..azarr~~finghting^^
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